Come and listen to a story Bout a man named Greg A poor old aging scammer Barely kept his fambly fed And then one day he was looking at his roof Said I'll dream me up a sunball And I'll say that it's the troof
Well the sunball turned to suncube And to mark two three four five And the money kept on flowing It felt good to be alive But those customers kept asking When those suncubes they'd be getting And they started asking questions Bout the things Greg kept forgettin Like....Proof Greg Simple proof Taint hard
Well now Greg he chucked a wobbly And he said you won't be gettin Not a single bloody suncube Cos it's secret...I'm not tellin But youse can all still buy a share In my solar funny farm And I'm keepin all the money So there's no cause for alarm Gold Green and Gold YEE HARRRR!
Well Greg he's building factries In Indya and Korea But Keef he said Hey Greg..just cut the crap And get on out of here Your proposals are preposterous Your aim is very clear So take your stupid Suncubes And insert them in your rear! ..............................................
I even get to sing it on the show! Nice banjo accompaniment Lots of YEE-HARS
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