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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Keef SunCube Fiasco (163* d) BS: Keef has writted a book! 20 Nov 13

Note to mods.
I know I get a bit boring about this Green Scamming thing but could you please not combine this with the now closed and defunct Sun Whatsit thread. I might be an idjit but I do have a serious point to make.
WATCH OUT there are scammers about!

Here is my book on the subject

The Great SunCube Swindle
Publication Date: November 16, 2013
The true story of how a small time Aussie con-man stole millions from investors and caused billion dollar losses on the stockmarket with a claim that he would save our small blue planet
It took one lone and determined crusader 8 years to put a stop to this scam.
Read how swindlers are using greenwash to avoid closer examination of their TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE hyperbole.
Read how the corporate regulators fail in their duty to protect the public and how legal loopholes allow crooks the presumption of innocence.

Here is what one forum reader thought about the work that Keef is doing.

" BRAVO! I am experienced in cleantech and have seen many failed ventures but hadn't even thought about the scam aspect of these. I was naive enough to continue believing these start-ups were just overly optimistic or poorly planned. Your posts on this thread have honestly given me that "Duh" moment.
Unrealistic and losing business propositions continue to see funding because the amount of optimism in the clean energy category is unmatched, and the understanding of basic science amongst investors is severely lacking.....You would think society would slowly wise up after being repeatedly burned so many times...
anyway, keep up the good work exposing this charade."
You're posting about the same basic thing over and over. You don't seem to care if others are interested, so it comes off as a little spammy. But the reason these posts are combined is that they're all about the same subject.

I re-opened this thread.

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