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Harmonium Hero Blitherscrum Festival 2014 A new start! (62* d) RE: Blitherscrum Festival 2014 A new start! 18 Dec 13

Re: tickets - ignore advice from 'Vic Smith' - anybody can see that's a scam. Simply send your money to me, and I will pass it on - you don't need to ask who to, this is all 'Kosher'.
The address is Pte. Teare, Smugglers' cove, Cayman. (that's a small island just off the coast close to Blitherscrum; it's where their bank is located).
Incidentally, I notice the name Dodd Gee - obviously made up on the spot. It does, however, remind me of two gentlemen I knew about twenty years ago; a Mr Dodd and a Mr Gee. They ran a used car business back then, called Dodd-Gee Motors. It suddenly closed down, and I haven't heard of them since. Come to think of it, it was located not too far from Blitherscrum.
Mind you, I have heard it said that you can't be too far from Blitherscru,
John Teare

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