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Gutcher Origins: Why didn't Lamkin get paid? (84* d) RE: Origins: Why didn't Lamkin get paid? 13 Dec 15

Ha Steve, unmasked and defrocked !! {my mother always wanted me to be a minister, not of the type who would wear a frock}.

Reason anent posting as a guest in the other thread--in this thread I stated Anderson had claimed that Auchruglen Castle had been burned by Kennedy of Bargany in the 14th.C. Anderson, working in Edinburgh in the first part of the 19th.C. must have had access to a vast number of historical documents in order to compile his monumental 3v. work, why would he state as a fact something he had not seen in these documents.----I have therefore posted as a guest in the other thread until such times as I can locate the source of his information.

As can be seen from my last post in the other thread even highly qualified academics do not have all the correct information.


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