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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Gutcher BS: I need opinions-linoleum installation (34) RE: BS: I need opinions-linoleum installation 22 Dec 15

Laying linoleum

You need a flair for it!!    (Floor in Scots is flair)

Real linoleum is made from natural products--hessian, linseed oil etc.
The town of Kirkcaldy was noted for this and as a poem put it "ye'll ken it by the smell"--referring to the smell as you approached the town. The product also having a distinctive smell.

3rd. verse of a childrens song I have been known to sing:----

"There's a fine bit new linoleum
ye'll ken it by the smell
if ye aa come up and see us
ye can walk on it yersel

ch. ye can come and see oor garret
    for it's aa furnished noo
    ye can come and see oor garret
    o it's aa furnished noo.

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