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Marje Lyr Req: Mermaids never quarrel... (9) RE: Lyr Req: Mermaids never quarrel... 27 Jun 16

As promised:

Back Amongst the Mermaids (Copyright Les Noden 1997)

There's no light in your window
As I draw up at the quay,
There's no light in your window,
So you've finally left me,
It's hard for a sailor
To change his way of life,
So I'll be back amongst the mermaids tomorrow.

For mermaids never quarrel,
They never make demands,
They understand the reasons why
I just can't live on land

I was a sailor when you met me,
Then you didn't seem to mind,
You'd never want for anything,
I was gentle, I was kind,
But the old salt sea keeps calling me,
And I must always go ...
So I'll be back amongst the mermaids tomorrow.


I've spent some time down in the mine,
At the mill I've tried my hand,
I've made things good in steel and wood,
And farmed most kinds of land.
But this heart of mine lives on the brine,
And I must always go ...
So I'll be back amongst the mermaids tomorrow.


So you've found yourself another man
Who spends more time at home,
I wonder if you think of me,
While I am on the foam?
When the sun sinks in the ocean
My thoughts will be with you,
So I'll be back amongst the mermaids tomorrow.


Repeat V 1

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