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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,In good company Shrewsbury FF to ban 'blacked up' Morris (264* d) RE: Shrewsbury FF to ban 'blacked up' Morris 08 Sep 16

come to "diverse, multicultural" Croydon and you will hear exactly what I mean!!!

I used to live in genuinely "diverse multi-cultural" (with or without the quotes) Salford. I now live near and work in even more diverse multi-cultural Bradford. I have enjoyed myself immensely on occasions in Moss Side, Brixton and many other places at sessions in pubs that have been culturally diverse since the 1960s. I have still never found myself referring to music I am not keen on as "The hideous music inflicted on us by black people"

Hideous music is perpetrated by all sorts of people everywhere and not all music played and enjoyed by black people is hideous. While blacking up may not be racist, stereotyping black people as having poor musical tastes certainly is.

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