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Kenny B (inactive) BS: London is a war zone! (106* d) RE: BS: London is a war zone! 07 May 18

Jim Carroll

Subject: RE: BS: London is a war zone!
From: Iains - PM
Date: 06 May 18 - 04:03 PM

The common thread is travellers. Jim has a "rapport" with them shared by few others. As a group they contain a very visible minority with no respect for the law or for others property.

Iains has stated his Point of view clearly

Where in that statement does it give YOU the excuse to accuse him as follows "Your attitude is racist stereotyping based in the behaviour of individual cases - it is part of an already well underway process of ethnically cleansing an entire social group - denigrate them, cast them out of society, deprive them of the basic standards of living, electricity, water, sanitation, education - even the right to stop anywhere - and then point at them and show what animals they are - unfit to live"

Your Illogical personal attacks are another example of ranting for the sake of ranting
Bringing Keith into the thread where he has not posted is another example of personal attacks

Everone on this forum is entitled to express their point of view and the statement of "If you can't suppress your inhumanity (these are human beings we are discussing) be good enough to keep it to yourself"
is denying them the right to post based on their experience and reading material.

I look forward to your next round of personal attacks based again on things which poster have not posted

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