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GUEST,Karen H M Belden. Ballads and Songs-Unfortunate Rake (47) RE: H M Belden. Ballads and Songs-Unfortunate Rake 27 Jun 18

Re the Unfortunate Rake LP with Lloyd singing a song of that name on it: the person who wrote the liner notes was Goldstein. Those notes seem to me to be crucial in perpetuating the belief that the song sung by Lloyd was actually a 19th century broadside version.

Goldstein later became a professional academic folklorist. At the time of the LP he was a business studies trained record producer interested in producing and selling 'folkloric' products. He produced a very great many of these. He was wearing a commercial, capitalist if you like hat and a folkloric one at the time he wrote the notes.

Lloyd's articles don't refer to his own version, or include quotations from it. I have explained my view on how the accounts he gives of the version he has available fit with his 'theory' of the genesis/development of the various versions.

Not sure I have anything more to comment, though happy to read constructive comments on my ideas, which is part of the point of setting them out here.

Cheers, everybody.

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