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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Robert Lyr ADD: I Am a Pizza (Peter Alsop) (27) Lyr Add: I AM A PIZZA 07 Oct 98

Ok so maybe us bilingual Canadiens did the Francais part I don't know, but here they are. By the way I believe Peter Alsop is correct.

I am a pizza
With extra cheese
From Tomatoes
Sauce is squeezed
Onions and mushrooms
I am a pizza, ready to go

I am a pizza
With pepperoni
No anchovies
Or phony bologn[y]
I am a pizza
Ordered by phone
I am a pizza, please take me home

I am a pizza
Peppers on top
Out of the oven
Into the box
Into to the car and
Upside down
I am a pizza, dropped on the ground

I was a pizza
I was the best
I was a pizza
Now I'm a mess

Je suis une pizza...........................

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