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GUEST,Richard Cook Song from Patriot Games movie (16) RE: Song from Patriot Games movie 20 Dec 21

Hi, I was the tinwhistle player on that shoot.

The "band" as far as I know was what's called a "pickup band" in other words put together for that one gig.

Ken O Malley is a well-known Dublin-born Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter/guitarist who had done loads of film work. I believe he's the one who put together that pickup band.

I know his band for many years was called Twilight Lords.I don't know if he ever had a band called Blended Spirits, or if that's just a name coined for the pickup band to use in the credits. Stuff like that happens.

In any case the fiddler was Cait Reid who we sadly lost a few years ago. She was a superb LA-based Irish style fiddler.

I don't remember the names of the other people, Ken would know.

About the song we played, I never saw sheet music, we just got together a couple days before the gig and learned it by ear.

We went into a recording studio the day before the shoot.

At the shoot, which by the way was at Molly Malone's Irish Pub on Fairfax Avenue in Los Angeles, they played back our recording and we lip-sync'd to it.

Some of us were also onscreen on a Murder She Wrote episode (S8E17 #171 "To The Last I Will Grapple With Thee").

I was doing Irish Flute, Cait Reid fiddle, Dennis Doyle Irish harp. Not sure of the others, but I believe the dancers were connected with Doireann niMhaoileidigh.

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