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Song from Patriot Games movie

GUEST,ML 09 Oct 01 - 03:51 PM
UB Ed 10 Oct 01 - 01:55 PM
Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull 10 Oct 01 - 09:55 PM
mooman 11 Oct 01 - 02:40 AM
Genie 24 Jun 02 - 10:38 AM
Jim Dixon 24 Jan 12 - 11:56 AM
GUEST 23 Sep 15 - 03:12 AM
GUEST 23 Sep 15 - 05:10 AM
Sandra in Sydney 23 Sep 15 - 05:16 AM
Amergin 23 Sep 15 - 09:28 PM
GUEST,Paul in America 20 Aug 17 - 09:30 PM
Helen 23 Aug 17 - 05:45 PM
GUEST,Daniel Arthur 17 Dec 19 - 03:48 PM
GUEST,Richard Cook 20 Dec 21 - 05:44 AM
GUEST,Guest 17 Mar 23 - 10:53 PM
GUEST 05 May 24 - 01:00 AM
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Subject: Patriot Games Song
Date: 09 Oct 01 - 03:51 PM

What song was the band playing in the bar in the movie Patriot Games? Lyrics were something like "and here's to you my ? irish laddie" and "we'll not be broken.Appreciate any help.

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Subject: RE: Patriot Games Song
From: UB Ed
Date: 10 Oct 01 - 01:55 PM

Clannad did the music

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Subject: RE: Patriot Games Song
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
Date: 10 Oct 01 - 09:55 PM

Could it be Ramblin Boy (Tom Paxton)?

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Subject: RE: Patriot Games Song
From: mooman
Date: 11 Oct 01 - 02:40 AM

And the opening song to the movie was sung by Maggie Boyle. (There is an interesting story to it which I recounted in a previous thread.)


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Subject: RE: Patriot Games Song
From: Genie
Date: 24 Jun 02 - 10:38 AM

Was it "Ramblin' Boy?" Did this thread query ever get answered. I'm curious about the song, myself.

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Subject: RE: Song from Patriot Games movie
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 24 Jan 12 - 11:56 AM

The only song listed on the soundtrack page for "Patriot Games" (1992) at is THEME FROM HARRY'S GAME performed by Clannad. The song was first used in the TV miniseries "Harry's Game" (1982). It was written by Ciaran Brennan and/or Pol Brennan, according to various sources. It has appeared on several Clannad albums and collections of Irish music, and many others have recorded it too.

I have listened to the song, and it seems to be all in Irish Gaelic, which I don't understand and can't transcribe—with the possible exception of the refrain, which sounds like "Fal-lal-the-doe, fal-the-day, fal-the-doe, fal-the day"—which I assume is nonsense, since it closely resembles nonsense refrains I have heard in English-language songs.

The song is quite short, only 2:28 in duration, and is sung so slowly that I figure it can't amount to much more than about 3 lines, apart from the refrain, which is sung, I think, 5 times.

There is another thread about this song: Theme from Harry's Game... but it doesn't contain much information, and no lyrics.

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Subject: RE: Song from Patriot Games movie
Date: 23 Sep 15 - 03:12 AM

the quiet land of erin is the title of the song

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Subject: RE: Song from Patriot Games movie
Date: 23 Sep 15 - 05:10 AM

Opening song sung by the late Maggie Boyle. The Quite Land of Erin

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Subject: LYR ADD - The Quiet Land of Erin
From: Sandra in Sydney
Date: 23 Sep 15 - 05:16 AM

The Quiet Land of Erin


Sandy Denny recorded this traditional song live for the BBC Radio 1 programme "My Kind of Folk" on June 26, 1968. This recording was published in 2007 on the 3CD+DVD set Live at the BBC. A home demo from Winter 1968 has never been officially published.

The Quiet Land of Erin was also recorded by Maggie Boyle in 1987 for her solo album Reaching Out, by Grace Notes (with Maggie Boyle) in 1998 for their album Red Wine & Promises, by the Furey Brothers and, as an instrumental, by Alan Stivell.

Grace Notes sing The Quiet Land of Erin

Oh 'tis I would be in Ard Ti Chuain
Where the mountains stands away
And 'tis I would let the Sunday go
In a cuckoo's glen above the bay

Chorus (after each verse):
    Agus, och och Eire lig is o
    Eire leanndubh agus o
    Ah, the quiet land of Erin

Oh my heart is weary all alone
And it sends a lonely cry
To the land that sings beyond my dreams
And the lonely Sundays pass me by

I would travel back the twisted years
Through the bitter wasted wind
If the God above would let me lie
In a quiet place above the wind

See also the Mudcat Café thread
Origins: Ard Ti Chuain / Quiet Land of Erin.

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Subject: RE: Song from Patriot Games movie
From: Amergin
Date: 23 Sep 15 - 09:28 PM

The opening poster a talking about a song being sung in a pub while Ford is meeting with Richard Harris. It's not Harry's Game nor Quiet Land of Erin.

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Subject: RE: Song from Patriot Games movie
From: GUEST,Paul in America
Date: 20 Aug 17 - 09:30 PM

The singer and guitarist is Ken O Malley The title of the song is The Pride Of Our Land by Blended Spirits
some of the lyrics were...
Here's to you, my brave Irish laddies
we'll not be broken, downhearted, and sad.
So let us drink a toast to all our comrades
that stand for the honour and pride of our land.

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Subject: RE: Song from Patriot Games movie
From: Helen
Date: 23 Aug 17 - 05:45 PM

Thanks for the information, Paul in America.

It took 16 years, but the mystery has now been solved.

There is a reference here:

The Pride of Our Land by Paddraig & Noel Duggan performed by The Blended Spirits.


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Subject: RE: Song from Patriot Games movie
From: GUEST,Daniel Arthur
Date: 17 Dec 19 - 03:48 PM

Sorry that this reply is almost 2 decades late, but that awesome pub jig the author's talking about is a movie remix of the song "Irish Soldier Laddie"

The essential melody is the same, the bridge of the song has been changed to the main melody for the Patriot Games version. Ken O malley, The Blended Spirits and Padraig Duggan composed and performed it and it was indeed called "The Pride Of Our Land."

All the lyrics I could catch are

"Here's to you, my brave Irish Laddie, we'll not be broken, downhearted and sad, so let us make a toast, to all of our comrades, same for the honour and pride of our land.

We'll sing you a song, from the land of our fathers, a song I could tell you have come to hear me play

They came to destroy the pride of our nation ----"

The Pride Of Our Land hasn't ever been released sadly, from what I understand with a bit of inside knowledge, it was just drummed up specifically for the scene, using Irish Soldier Laddie as the basic melody

Hope this helps

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Subject: RE: Song from Patriot Games movie
From: GUEST,Richard Cook
Date: 20 Dec 21 - 05:44 AM

Hi, I was the tinwhistle player on that shoot.

The "band" as far as I know was what's called a "pickup band" in other words put together for that one gig.

Ken O Malley is a well-known Dublin-born Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter/guitarist who had done loads of film work. I believe he's the one who put together that pickup band.

I know his band for many years was called Twilight Lords.I don't know if he ever had a band called Blended Spirits, or if that's just a name coined for the pickup band to use in the credits. Stuff like that happens.

In any case the fiddler was Cait Reid who we sadly lost a few years ago. She was a superb LA-based Irish style fiddler.

I don't remember the names of the other people, Ken would know.

About the song we played, I never saw sheet music, we just got together a couple days before the gig and learned it by ear.

We went into a recording studio the day before the shoot.

At the shoot, which by the way was at Molly Malone's Irish Pub on Fairfax Avenue in Los Angeles, they played back our recording and we lip-sync'd to it.

Some of us were also onscreen on a Murder She Wrote episode (S8E17 #171 "To The Last I Will Grapple With Thee").

I was doing Irish Flute, Cait Reid fiddle, Dennis Doyle Irish harp. Not sure of the others, but I believe the dancers were connected with Doireann niMhaoileidigh.

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Subject: RE: Song from Patriot Games movie
From: GUEST,Guest
Date: 17 Mar 23 - 10:53 PM

I’ve been trying to find the band and song off and on for many years, and the post above clears things up.

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Subject: RE: Song from Patriot Games movie
Date: 05 May 24 - 01:00 AM

Ardaí Chuain                                                                      Quiet Land of Erin
Dá mbeinn féin in Aird Uí Chuain

In aice an tsléibhe atá i bhfad uaim

B’annamh liom gan dul ar cuairt

Go gleann na gcuach Dé Domhnaigh

Agus och och Éire ‘lig is ó,

Éire lionn dubh agus ó,

‘Sé mo chroí ‘tá trom ‘agus bronach.

Is iomaí Nollaig a bhí mé féin

I mBun Abhann Doinne is mé gan chéill

Ag iomáin ar an trá bháin

‘Is mo chamán bán ins mo dhorn liom

Agus och och Éire ‘lig is ó,

Éire lionn dubh agus ó,

‘Sé mo chroí ‘tá trom ‘agus bronach.

Agus och och Éire ‘lig is ó,

Éire lionn dubh agus ó,

‘Sé mo chroí ‘tá trom ‘agus bronach.

Nach tuirseach mise anseo liom féin

Nach n-áirim guth coiligh lonndubh nó traon

gealbhán, smaolach, naoscach féin

Is chan aithním féin an Domhnach

Agus och och Éire ‘lig is ó,

Éire lionn dubh agus ó,

‘Sé mo chroí ‘tá trom ‘agus bronach.

This song was composed in the 19th century by Seán Mac Ambrois, from Glendun, in the Glens of Antrim. Most likely composed to a far older air. According to the story, he had been considering emigrating to the Mull of Kintyre, which is so close to the Antrim coast that you can see individual houses on a clear day. In this version of the story, McCambridge stood on the top of Articoan, imagining himself over in Kintyre looking back on his native soil, and wrote this song of exile. The song made him so homesick that he decided not to go, and spent the rest of his days in Ireland. There is some poetic truth in this story but, inevitably, it seems to be more complicated that that. What is interesting, is that it is written in a non-standard, archaic, now extinct Ulster Gaelic, that very closely resembles Scotch Gaelic. And an older bardic style of descriptions, eg. associating Ireland to the blackbird, was often done in medieval poetry

Seán Mac Ambrois (John McCambridge) (1793 – 1873) was born in Mullarts, near Glendun, and is buried in Layde churchyard between Glendun and Glenballyeamonn. His tomb is partly in Irish.

The townland of Articoan is a mile west of Cushendun, rising north from the River Dun to a height of about 500 feet. There is a multiplicity of Gaelic versions of the placename, and an equal multiplicity of interpretations: Airdí Cúing, Ard a’ Chúíng, Aird an Chúmhaing, Ard a’ Chuain, Airdí Chuain, Ard Uí Choinn. The first element, no matter how it is spelt, probably means a height; all the trouble arises from the final element(s).Dr Pat McKay of the Placenames Project in Queens University Belfast says that there is no authoritative version of the name, but tentatively recommends Ard a’ Chuain – the height of the harbour, or the height of the bay (Cuan in Scottish Gaelic also means the sea). Seán Mac Maoláin argues for Áird a’ Chum[h]aing (= the height of the narrow strip of land) because the townland is well back from the sea, and follows the narrow defile at the head of the glen, reminds us that the noun ‘cúng’ also means a narrow defile between two heights. The townland itself is long and narrow, and there is an Alticoan in the next glen.

This version of the song was recorded for the 1992 film 'Patriot Games' it is sung by Maggie Boyle. In English, the air is often called "The quiet land of Erin" and English language versions by that title have been composed, but are not direct translations of the original Gaelic

I wish I were in Ardicoan

Near yon mountain far away.

I would seldom let the Sunday go

To the Cuckoo’s glen across the bay.

And it’s oh dear Ireland, let me , and oh

Ireland, the blackbird, and oh

It's my heart is heavy and saddened.

It is many a Christmas Day I had myself

In Cushendun and me with no sense (young, naieve)

Hurling on the White Strand

With my white ash hurley in my fist.

And it’s oh dear Ireland, let me , and oh

Ireland, the blackbird, and oh

It's my heart is heavy and saddened.

And it’s oh dear Ireland, let me , and oh

Ireland, the blackbird, and oh

It's my heart is heavy and saddened.

Is it not my story, here on my own

And I cant hear the cock blackbird, or corncrake

Seagull, thrush, the snipe himself

And I cannot have the Sundays.

And it’s oh dear Ireland, let me , and oh

Ireland, the blackbird, and oh

It's my heart is heavy and saddened

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