The Twelve Days I Served at Mass I have been looking for years for the words to a parody of 12 Days of Xmas sung from the point of view of an altar boy. I can only remember the first 6 days working backwards as follows:
On the 6th day I served at mass the rector said to me Swing the silver censer Make the crucial sign (day 5) Count the congregation (day 4) Move the alar missal (day 3) Light the 6 altar candles (day 2) And genuflect on the right knee (day 1)
I heard it in 1961 at an Anglican Church camp in Brtish Columbia and have not been able to find it anywhere. It follows the procedures for the mass at a high Anglican Church. I have just written a book called My Paddle's Keen and Bright coming out next month about people's summer camp experiences and I'd like to be able to sing the whole song at my book launches. If anyone out there has any leads on this song I'd be mpst grateful.
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