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tiggerdooley Bless yourselves 'Catters for I have sin (168* d) RE: Bless yourselves 'Catters for I have sin 13 Mar 01

Firstly, Kim C: You haven't LIVED until you've had Garlic mayo on you french fries. I wasn't too keen on the mayo/fries thing 'til I tried this. Just once in a while, or you'll get sick of it.

Burke: Nutella is this jar of hazlenut chocolate spread. You han either have it runny on bread/dip stuff into it OR you can leave it in the 'fridge and eat chunks of it. It's a clinically recognized (yeahrright!) cure for PMT/PMS. What's even cooler is that the jar is like a decorative glass, so when you've finished, you can wash it and use it as a glass. You'll never be short of something to drink from in our house!!!

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