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GUEST,Holly Tannen Guitarists painful hands (Nick Dow) (30) RE: Guitarists painful hands (Nick Dow) 27 Jun 23

Nobody deserves painful hands.
Acupuncture can be very helpful, as can acupressure massage (tui na)
But I think it would take a few treatments.
I saw a hand doctor who took xrays and explained to me what was going on.
I bought a paraffin hand bath for around $40. I put diclofenac ointment or aspercreme (topical aspirin) on them, stick 'em in the paraffin, let it dry, wipe if off, then stick hands in cold water.
I practice (dulcimer) for just a few minutes, then cold water and/or paraffin.

Please let us know if you experience any improvement.

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