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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
tiggerdooley BS: H2O v Coke (58* d) RE: BS: H2O v Coke 19 Mar 01

I'm back on the water as of right now!!! I managed to wean myself off the Coke about a year ago, and I started to enjoy water (boiled water is relly good for you first thing in the morning.) However, my flatmate still hasn't got over her addiction, so I started indulging again a while back. I stopped drinking tea and coffee altogether last year, because I drank so much while studying for my finals at uni, that I think it was slowly killing me! Now, I cant have more than one cup in a day, or I get trembling hands, headaches and palpitations!!!!!
Suppose it's a good deterrent....

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