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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Hyperabid Your absolute WORST audience ever! (47) RE: Your absolute WORST audience ever! 06 Apr 01

Back in my student days in OXford I was 2nd Guitar for a group known as the evacuees playing jangly indie pop for the student market.

We were booked to play Hertford college and found ourselves playing an hour long set to 6 people 3 of whom we knew and one turned out to be a reviewer for the local student magazine.

Applause and enthusiasm were not exactly forthcoming.

The following review appeared the next day.

"I popped into Hertford College and happened accross an outfit known as 'Evacuees'. They played mainly college standards including 'Hanging on the telephone' and 'Echo Beach'. The musical line up looked and played like the front row of a Rugby scrum whilst the lead singer Nami sang like one of Frank Chickens with her wings and cackle clipped. Still I guess it is useful to know that college bands are still providing some form of service".

I still have a contract out on the reviewer provided you are prepared to provide me with his haid on a plate like John the Baptist.


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