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GUEST,Richard Cook Help: Uillean Pipe Question (22) RE: Help: Uillean Pipe Question 16 Apr 01

Ditto the advise to avoid Paki pipes, no matter what someone trying to sell them says, and ditto the kudos to Seth Gallagher. A good maker with less wait time is B C (Bruce) Childress, but Seth is really tops. Charles Roberts in County Sligo has also a small wait, and pretty good stuff. Also, to begin with get a "concert-pitch" set, which in uilleann lingo means D. "Flat sets" in C#, C, B, and Bb are lovely but not nearly as useful for session work. Start out with the "practise set", which is not like a Scottish practise chanter, but the actual instrument but lacking the main stock, drones, and regulators. If you decide to give it up, you can readily sell a practise set in 5 seconds on Ebay, if nothing else. For learning check out the intructional videos made by Na Piobairi Uilleann. Good luck.

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