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Richard McD. Bridge (England) Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II (91* d) RE: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II 20 Nov 98


Winter is starting here in Gravesend, Kent (deathplace of Princess Pocahontas) and I don't like it.

2 thoughts.

Just down the road from me (20 miles or so) is Faversham folk club where the Coppers play quite often. Always meant to go, never did. The Coppers run a club just over the county line (as I guess you would say in American: dialect is so fascinating (grin)) about 50 miles away. Very traditional. Anything not English traditional strongly disapproved of. A friend of ours who does a lot of self-written humorous songs, but also some traditional, went down there. Sang "the Cuddy Wren". Published in 1342 (yes,1342) I think. Was told he was too contemporary because he accompanied himself on a guitar. Guitars not traditional English, see!!

Second, the lady from Scandiwegia who likes scottish bands ought to try the Iron Horse.

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