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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Denise:^) What to do when good bands go bad (45) RE: What to do when good bands go bad 13 Jul 01

I don't live in New York, but we do have a lot of musicians around here!

The problem we found, starting a band, was:

1. The type of music you (all) want to play--do some of you like old-timey stuff? Some of you want very new, pushing-the-envelope stuff? Somebody stuck in a minor-key jag? You *can* have a band that plays a wide variety of types--but then, you all have to AGREE to do that!!

2. People who want to make a long-term committment are rare! If you're going to be taking gigs from various venues, there will be practice time involved. For example, a Civil War reenactment requires period music...And I don't care what anyone says, if it's going to sound good--and TOGETHER--you will need to practice. No matter how good you are!

So the problem isn't just locating warm bodies with an instrument in their hands--it's locating the right kind of warm bodies... ;^) Denise:^)

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