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GUEST, Origins: Castle of Dromore (47) Lyr Add: OCTOBER WINDS (Clancy Brothers) 27 Jul 01

From the 1964 Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem songbook, the song is called "OCTOBER WINDS"

The October winds lament around the castle of Dromore,
Yet peace is in her lofty halls my loving treasure store,
Though autumn leaves may droop and die, a bud of spring are you,
Sing hush-a-by loo la loo la lan, sing hush-a-by loo la loo.

Bring no ill will to hinder us, my helpless babe and me
Dread spirit of the Blackwater, Clan Owens wild banshee
And Holy Mary pitying us in heaven for grace does sue.
Sing hush-a-by loo la loo la lan, sing hush-a-by loo la loo.

Take time to grow my ray of hope in the garden of Dramore,
Take heed young eaglet till your wings are feathered fit to sore,
A little rest and then the world is full of work to do,
Sing hush-a-by loo la loo la lan, sing hush-a-by loo la loo.

Hope this helps,

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 14-Oct-02.

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