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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Rory B BS: Lessons our Moms taught us (52* d) RE: BS: Lessons our Moms taught us 19 Oct 01

My Mom is 82 years old. She came to this country from Holland after the war to marry my Dad. It was not until I was grown up and on my own for many years that I came to realize what it was like for her. A strange country and a new language...and I am certain that the ideal picture painted for her by my Dad was not at all what she found when she arrived. Thinking back on my childhood I now realize that it was her crazy sense of humour that got her through it. We laughed a lot with Mom, I still do! We used to break into wild polka dances singing the music at the top of our lungs...da da da da da da da da da da....dancing around the kitchen like fools and laughing until we cried. One very clear memory I have is when I was about 4 years old....Mothers day was coming and I asked Mom....when is kids day? She's today!!!!! We went to the candy store to celebrate. Sadly Mom suffers from osteoporosis and can't do the wild polka thing with me anymore. It has not dampened her sense of humour at all....her latest joke....she told me she has old people's furniture disease....her chest is falling into her drawers! Hugggs -Rory-

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