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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
marty D Mudcatter of the year?How about that? (49) RE: Mudcatter of the year?How about that? 01 Jan 02

Boy, I hate to be a party pooper since I'm such a booster of this place, but the whole 'mudcatter of the year' thing troubles me a bit. What makes this site special is it's collective personality. There are people who have offered SO much help, but in threads that guitarists only look at. Same with ballad threads. Same with accordion threads. Same with threads where people are having serious personal difficulties, etc. etc. SO MANY help in so many different ways that may not be apparent to the group as a whole. The overwhelming dynamic is SO positive that the creepiest critics no matter HOW long they've been here, are forced to do their spewing under 'Guest' monikers. That in itself says a LOT for the site's community feel. I certainly won't be voting for individual honors, and I have no idea whether anyone agrees with me, but that's the way I feel.


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