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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Truthtroller BS: United States BASHING Available HERE!!!! (134* d) RE: BS: United States BASHING Available HERE!!!! 04 Apr 02

You people live in the most evil driven country in the modern world and you wear blinkers to the fact.You suck the life blood from consumers and are in denial. America just keeps feeding the greedy kids. That is what you are in fact, a nation of kids a country with a mental outlook of an average eight year old. The crap you call entertainment that is sent to invade our homes is the sort of rubbish that wouldn't attract flies. At the top, be it commerce or politics, you have nothing but greed. You live in a society that will in the end consume itself, and you'll never get off your lazy fat butts in time cos your up to your greedy fat eyes in debt.

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