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Derby Ram 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 (124* d) RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 07 Aug 02

Dear GUEST (0846)
Please read what is written. Far from selling copies, I propose to give them away to anyone who wants one. It would cost me money to produce them admittedly, but at least it would deny income to CM. And, as the artists concerned wouldn't get a penny either way. I don't see that there is a problem. Do you?
Of course, if any artist wished to proceed with another course of action...fine.
Graham T. Are you referring to the various anthologies of revered artists released, recently by another well known UK company perchance?
Andy I.O.M. Funny Old World indeed !
Regards all...Ralphie

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