Subject: Celtic Music etc Part 3 From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull Date: 29 Mar 02 - 11:45 AM Part 2 was getting to long for the people with old computers, sorry i don't have time to make link to part 2, I am just setting off for work. |
Subject: RE: Celtic Music etc Part 3 From: Jeri Date: 29 Mar 02 - 11:51 AM Continued from: Part 1 Part 2 |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Pt 2 From: GUEST,P.H. 30.4.02. Date: 30 Apr 02 - 08:21 AM I am not able to give my name at the moment, but it will soon become common knowlege. I too was foolish enough to sign contracts with this company and I believe I was the first ever to do so. Celtic Music owe me a considerable amount of money in royalties and still hold copywright on my works and any attempt on my part to raise this matter with Bulmer is either ignored or answered evasively by Neil Sharpley, who still acts as front man for this organisation to this day. Celtic Music is NOT a member of MCPS, which in itself is very unusual for a record company and they collect royalties direct from record companies, which makes the job of tracing these royalties very difficult but not impossible. I have taken legal advice on this matter and my case is watertight, and although I have little hope of recovering monies due to me I will fight for the rights to my work. I have raised this matter with PRS and provided them with all the information at my disposal concerning this company and it's dealings, and you will not be surprised to hear that every clause in my contract's dealing with the obligations of Celtic Music towards me have not been kept, other than to collect monies due to me and retained. I can understand why so many artists were duped into signing contracts with this company, I knew Dave Bulmer personally as a friend and fellow musician, I have visited his office and stayed at his home and if he can treat me in this fashion it is no surprise that he has no problem cheating others. I should mention also that I have released several C.D.'s without Bulmer's knowlege in different countries and I would welcome a challenge from him on this matter. If you would like more information I can contact you direct by E.Mail, let me know. Keep up the good work, it's good to see that so many others are striving to bring down this corrupt organisation.
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Noreen Date: 30 Apr 02 - 09:03 AM Good luck, PH. |
Subject: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Joe Offer Date: 01 May 02 - 03:30 AM This is part three of this thread. there was another part 3, but it turned into a flame fest, so I diverted it. I transferred the applicable messages here, and left the others to duke it out amongst themselves. -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Noreen Date: 01 May 02 - 03:41 AM Thanks Joe, and as I said earlier, good luck, PH. Let us know how you get on. Noreen |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST Date: 01 May 02 - 07:50 AM Ah, the heavy hand of Mudcat censorship strikes again. "Personal attacks" justifications, right Joe? You are going to save us all from daring to discuss another poster. There apparently is plenty of room to leave in the personal, really horrible attacks on guests, but no room for some good natured, innocuous ribbing of the membership, right? No double standard here. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,guest. john sutherland. Date: 01 May 02 - 11:13 AM this saga is far from over, but good to see bulmer and sharpley on the defensive, good luck P.H. it's not over till it's over. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Ralphie Date: 01 May 02 - 11:18 AM Joe...very sensible.....hope the aborted thread withers on the vine! Now....Who is Guest P.H. ? Ralphie |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST Date: 01 May 02 - 11:24 AM Of course you believe Joe Offer is very sensible to censor your enemies, right Ralphie? Until he starts censoring you too. I'm sorry our Guest has suffered a bruised ego, but her messages were NOT censored. Click here to see her comments, which remain in the thread where she posted them. -Joe Offer- |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,Nerd Date: 01 May 02 - 03:08 PM Guest PH: Good Luck. Joe: right on. To bring this back to Bulmer/ Celtic Music, I think this issue is too important to get swallowed up by "what's wrong with Mudcat" considerations. Remember, people's livelihoods are at stake! Or to put it another way, on one track of a buried Bulmer LP, Nic Jones plays the world's smallest violin for some of our posters who shall (literally) remain nameless. cheers! |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Ralphie Date: 01 May 02 - 03:44 PM I stand by my comments re Joes policing. And if I ever offend the people that run this place, I would happily put up with the slapping that I would truly deserve.! And...Nerd....explain please?? (Or am I just being thick!) Regards Ralphie Mmmmm, How did Joe know that Guest was a woman?? And.....You're my enemy?....Nice to know I suppose!! I'd PM you, but as a Guest, I can't do that.....Shame.. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST Date: 01 May 02 - 07:16 PM Oh I'm sure there are more than a few people who would LOVE to expose all us anonymous guests, just like you would do given the chance Ralphie. In fact, I'm quite certain Max will do just that one of these days, because he strikes me as a very immature, vengeful kind of guy. This sort of identity conjecture isn't the least bit uncommon here in Mudcat the minute an anon guest hits someone or other's nerve. The offended Mudcat party declares with absolute certainty the poster is this or that disgruntled member/former member, this or that person they went round with in this thread or that, etc ad nauseum. Why just in these threads alone, George H. accused several guests of being several different people, the most entertaining of which was that we were actually Mr. or Mrs. Dave Bulmer. Got a good chuckle out of that one. Yours forever Ralphie and Joe, Mrs. Bulmer |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: DonD Date: 01 May 02 - 10:25 PM I'm fascinated by this GUEST with the bug up its (no sexist presumtoins here) ass, or since it's probably in the UK, arse. As part of the ongoing 'discussion' over 'guest' behavior, I'm more and more convinced that 'guest' is simply the wrong word. Even if you announce an 'open house' you expect th people who comwe in as anonymous strangers to show some respect for the hosts and their invited friends. Those who do are treated as and called 'guests'; those who create a disturbance, complain about the refreshments, monopolize the conversation with solely negative comments, and such are called 'gate crsshers' and it's made very clear to them that they're unwelcome -- or the call goes out for "SECURITY!!!" If you don't like it here so much, GUEST, GUEST, GuEST, and GUEST, go away!! I don't know Nic Jones (though I'm glad to hear he's better) nor Dave Bulmer (though I'm glad to hear he's worse), but I'm interested to read threads without constant, boring carping from gate crashers. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Ralphie Date: 02 May 02 - 02:19 AM Mmmmm Guest (Mrs Bulmer)...Whatever that means ! I understand, and can even agree with some of your points, and, indeed I have been guilty of a few childish comments in this forum, since this whole sorry saga started, for which Mea Culpa..The tablets are beginning to work, I'm glad to say...!! I won't repeat myself here, as to why I can't let this injustice continue, but, If you are indeed, who you say you are, maybe you can have some influence on the situation... For, without some reasonable solution regarding the lost Leader/Trailer/Highway/Rubber...(etc) albums, I'm afraid life will only get less fun for you....Not meant to be a threat, honestly, It's just that there are a lot of very annoyed people out there who won't let it go... As you know the "Unearthed" project has been very successful for Nic, and finally some monies have been coming in, but, others have not been so lucky methinks..Tony Rose, for one, If you are, indeed who you say you are, become a member, don't go into the Forum,if you don't want too. (Nobody will even know your chosen name) and PM me..I promise that I'll keep any conversations we may have Private.. Best Wishes....Ralphie |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Nerd Date: 02 May 02 - 02:24 AM Ralphie (and others who may not have gotten my reference): "Playing the world's smallest violin" is a gesture made by rubbing together the tips of your thumb and middle finger. It denotes a sarcastic parody of sympathy as in "oh yes, your troubles are SO much worse than the troubles I've got." Often, while gesturing, the gesturer will say "you know what this is?" When the complainer says "what?" the gesturer answers "it's the world's smallest violin playing for your censored internet messages!" My point is just that the Bulmer situation is a serious one for many people, including Nic. It's disrespectful to them to turn the discussion of their problems into moaning that "when I criticize Joe Offer My thread gets renamed!" My final point (and I did have one): Nic and people in his position vis a vis Bulmer are the ones with the real problems, so they deserve to make the "world's smallest violin" gesture. Sorry to be cryptic!
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Ralphie Date: 02 May 02 - 02:26 AM PS This also applies if you are not who say you are !!!! I just can't see why you are so angry?? Regards Ralphie |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Ralphie Date: 02 May 02 - 02:39 AM Nerd Many thanks for that explanation.....Never heard of it before And me, with a brain the size of a planet!! Trouble is, the planet is Pluto! All the best, Ralphie |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Ralphie Date: 02 May 02 - 02:42 AM Oh Blimey, You know what I've done? Provoked all the pedants out there, who will prove to me that Pluto is not in fact a true planet....! Sorry Folks.....Ralphie |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Nerd Date: 02 May 02 - 02:46 AM And anyway, Pluto's pretty big relative to the average human brain, so I'm still impressed! |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,john sutherland Date: 02 May 02 - 08:20 AM Although I am not without a sense of humour it would be better to focus this thread on the subject. Bulmer and Sharpley are still operating and causing great distress to many artists whose work they continue to plunder. I note that Dick Gaughan has, or had, a connection to this company, and worked in Bulmers recording studio remixing old album tracks, etc, any information on this. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST Date: 02 May 02 - 08:45 AM Yes John, there is. Amazingly enough, if you actually read these threads, you will find information on this. You could also ask Dick Gaughan yourself. He frequents the newsgroup, has a website which, if I'm not mistaken, provides a way to contact him personally. No one in this forum can speak on behalf of Dick Gaughan. Or anyone else, for that matter. Unless Nic and Julia have hired Ralphie as their PR rep, that is. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Nerd Date: 02 May 02 - 09:09 AM John, amazing how in trying to get away from off-topic whining I drifted into off-topic humor, isn't it? Sorry! Dick's two solo LPs (No More Forever and Kist O' Gold) and at least two of his Five Hand Reel albums--classics all--are tied up in this mess too. It's a crime what's happened to him, and it's a crime that groundbreaking work like these albums are buried like this. I believe No More Forever was released as one of Bulmer's quick and dirty "CDRs lableled as CDs" (as have records by the Dransfields and Ray Fisher). No-one gets their royalties from these productions. The only reason we tend to focus on Nic (or I at least) is that Dick at least has most of his records available on other labels and can still work. But all these artists are being swindled, and the world is being cheated of loads of great music! |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST Date: 02 May 02 - 09:17 AM There really isn't anything anyone can do now about this situation, IMO. Except let it go, and learn from it. The lesson to be learned: musicians, get professional legal advice before you sign anything. Again, IMO, anyone who suggests something can be done about CM/DB is either ignorant of UK law in these matters, or out for vengeance. There is quite a number of latter inhabiting the UK folk music Internet forums, BTW. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Ralphie Date: 02 May 02 - 02:01 PM Hey...Have I been hired by someone...?? Errrrr...Don't think so!...Least ways, I haven't signed a contract, and am not being payed. Yes, Of course all musicians should think long and hard before signing anything. Especially in the Folk World, where sometimes the difference between making a living, or just about surviving, could actually come down to a few hundred record sales. Maybe new and up & coming artists will read all of this and take note. It's not even as though we're talking 6 figure numbers here. All I ask is fair play for someone who has not had the chance. Ralphie. (Getting off his soapbox...about time too, you cry!) |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,john sutherland Date: 03 May 02 - 05:36 AM Have obtained a copy of a Celtic Music recording contract and reading it is like wading through mud. I do not know the legal situation regarding catalogues of artists work bought from insolvent companies but the Celtic Music contract contains certain obligations to the artist by this company. The company is obliged to make a statement to the artist every six months detailing record sales, royalties due,etc, royalties to be paid at the rate stated in the contract, this contract is over restrictive in every respect and is weighted heavily agaist the artist. Any artist who finds the terms of this contract have not been met has a strong case in law for the termination of same. Some artists have succesfully taken this course. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST Date: 03 May 02 - 08:28 AM Are we supposed to surprised by this revelation? Is there someone out there who thought otherwise about CM and it's contracts? I don't know how many recording contracts you have seen in your day Mr. Sutherland, but they are all like wading through mud and are heavily weighted against the artists. Old news is just that, and it seems to me the only purpose in dredging this up again is start another flame war. The subject has been talked to death here, and quite venomously at that. Are you here to stir things up and rip open old wounds Mr. Sutherland? |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,Andy, Port Erin, IOM Date: 03 May 02 - 12:21 PM Wondered where the thread had got to! To P.H. - just remember that the bent lawyer Sharpley has been struck off the roll and I am sure that there must be organisations who would be very interested to hear from you if he communicates with his solicitor hat on. I have never seen a Celtic Records contract(and probably never will)but you can bet it's down there with the most disreputable of its type. Contracts like these have been tested in the Courts (Elton John etc) with great success and with artises recovering at least some of what they were owed. It's in your hands matey - good luck. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,john sutherland Date: 05 May 02 - 09:02 AM I have in fact read other recording contracts, and whilst I agree they are difficult for the layman to follow Celtic Music's contract's are unique in that few if any of the oblgations to the artists are met. I have no interest in starting a flame war, whatever that might be, I simply point out the Bulmer and Sharpley are still operating under various company names, Sharpley has been discredited, but David Bulmer is shrewd enough to have protected his assets. In answer to GUEST Andy, Neil Sharpley is still corresponding with music organisations on behalf of Celtic Music, but his letterhead which formerly detailed all companies and directors has been replaced with one with just the name Neil Sharpley, and the address 24, Mercer Row, Louth, Lincolnshire, no mention of Mr Bulmer, and replies to this address appear to be redirected through the local post office, whereas CM Records Ltd has an address at C/O Weaver Wroot, Pawnshop Passage, Mercer Row, Louth, Lincolnshire. I agree the the Nic Jones case was the most tragic of those involving this company, and congratulations are in order for those who kept this case alive, but there are many other artists seeking justice from Celtic Music. If my observations are old news, so be it, but I believe it is important to continue to focus on this company in the interest of the artists involved, and folk music in general.
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Ralphie Date: 05 May 02 - 03:44 PM Dear GUEST JS Thak you for the valued information. I doubt if any sensible adult who has any real involvement in this sorry case could accuse you of Flaming (ie being insulting to others) As you rightly say, many people have been dragged through this unending (but not for much longer, hopefully) saga. It was IMO Nics predicament over the last 20 years that touched people to become in involved. With respect to all the other artists, the very fact that they are all still seemingly OK and performing, would not attract such attention from the public at large. (God Bless you Lal) Thank you for your interesting contributions to the discussion...(along with many others, Andy, Nerd etc, etc) To be continued, as they say! Regards Ralphie |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,jez. Leeds. Date: 07 May 02 - 06:05 AM |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,jez. Leeds. Date: 11 May 02 - 07:08 AM Sorry computer breakdown. I just wanted to say that amazingly Bulmer still has his supporters in this area, where he seems to be regarded as a bit of a JACK THE LAD. No accounting for folk as they say. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,Mike in Bristol Date: 13 May 02 - 02:46 PM |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,Mike, Horfield, Bristol Date: 16 May 02 - 03:23 AM |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: okthen Date: 16 May 02 - 12:00 PM that's one heck of a stutter Mike |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Herga Kitty Date: 16 May 02 - 03:25 PM I still haven't worked out how to do clickies, but there's an interesting post from Pat Cooksey on the Sick Note thread saying he's just "regained" the copyright from Celtic Music through legal action. Kitty |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: Ralphie Date: 16 May 02 - 03:43 PM Kit Noted... Ta R xx |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,Mike, Horfield, Bristol Date: 17 May 02 - 12:43 AM Stutter, yes! As you may realise I pressed the enter key - being a newcomer to both computers and to Mudcat. However I have read several Mudcat threads and eventually found the one on Mr Bulmer. He strikes me as the textbook example of a "dodgy" music business "entrepreneur". If he still has admirers anywhere I'd be amazed and was amazed to learn that in Leeds he still has friends in the music world. I play a little music myself and count myself fortunate therefore that I live in Bristol which puts Mr Bulmer some distance from the music scene here. Surely as we are now well and truly into the new century there is no place for old style music biz rip-offs. Didn't most of them happen in the last century. The moral perhaps is that Mr Bulmer is a "yesterday" man and if he's not then the parties he has finacially and professionally damaged should do their damndest to see that he is and never gets the chance to destroy new careers. It's a heartbreak business and it's particularly heartbreaking to see parasites like this still operate. Best wishes to all who challenge him. I'm going to press the return key n......... |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: treewind Date: 11 Jul 02 - 03:53 PM If you look in or, you'll see that Pat Cooksey has amassed a collection of "compelling evidence" against Bulmer, Sharpley and Celtic Music for breach of contract, fraud and negligence and has now announced his intention to commence proceedings. I'm glad to hear that someone has put together a case that looks like it might stick in the courts. Pat seems to have done his homework. You can find one copy of his announcement Here (I hope that works: it's a Google newsgroups page) Anahata |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,Pat Cooksey, Germany. Date: 11 Jul 02 - 04:50 PM I was about to post to mudcat when I saw someone had beaten me to it, I discussed this matter with a lawyer here in Germany and he stated that it was the most blatant fraud on the part of a music publisher that he had ever seen, I had known for some time what was happening but it's taken a lot of research to gather the evidence, I have it now. Best wishes, Pat. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST Date: 11 Jul 02 - 05:38 PM This is interesting in the light of the news announced on Mike Harding's radio programme on BBC on Wednesday the 10th July that Nic Jones's first LP has just been released on CD by GUESS WHO! |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: RolyH Date: 11 Jul 02 - 06:04 PM I think you'll find that the Nic Jones release is one of a few CDR's 'trickled' out by Celtic Music over the last few years.Do not buy it. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST Date: 12 Jul 02 - 12:04 AM Right. Do not buy it. Unless of course you actually want to listen to it. Which in turn would make you want to buy MORE Nic Jones CDs, wouldn't it? I can appreciate the "don't give the bastard a penny" argument. But really, if it helps sell more records for Nic (including the ones that Nic DOES get the royalties for) isn't that better than trying to shut off the supply everyone has been screaming forever for? |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: treewind Date: 12 Jul 02 - 03:57 AM There's very little (if anything) on sale that Nic gets any royalties for. Buying the Bulmer CDRs (which aren't licensed by MCPS so production and royalty payment figures are untraceable) will not result in Nic getting anything. Apart from that, there are some doubts cast on the quality of the copies. Treat these as bootlegs on sale at full price. The argument in favour of free publishing of music on the net so that listeners are encouraged to buy real CD's from the artist is one that I support and believe, but it does not apply here. Nic and Julia don't want us to buy these copies: they want the legal stuff sorted out so they get the money they are owed. Of course ther wishes are irrelevant: "GUEST: anonymous coward" knows better.... Duh. Anahata |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,Pat Cooksey, Germany. Date: 12 Jul 02 - 06:55 AM The re-release of this Nic Jones C.D. by Celtic Music is not licenced by MCPS who collect royalties on record sales in the UK, therefore there will be no record of sales or royalties due under this title. MCPS have advised me that Celtic Music are no longer members of this organisation. Draw your own conclusions. Best wishes, Pat. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: treewind Date: 12 Jul 02 - 11:22 AM Just to clarify things a bit, "Unearthed" is on the level - it has nothing to do with Celtic Music/Bulmer etc. Buy that if you want to hear a recent(ish) release of anything by Nic Jones, but avoid the rest. Another point I meant to make: every time you buy one of the Bulmer CDRs you are now knowingly contributing some part of 15 pounds to Bulmers legal expenses in his defence against Pat's suit. If that's what you really want to do... Anahata |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: treewind Date: 12 Jul 02 - 12:12 PM Also this (just announced on IN SEARCH OF NIC JONES can be ordered from Mollie Music, 52 Newland Park Drive, York, YO10 3HP, UK Cheques or IMOs in pounds sterling only payable to Nic Jones/Mollie Music Price 12.99 UK, 13.50 Europe, 14.00 USA (Sorry if you saw it already in another Mudcat thread.) This is apparently a compilation from recordings of live performances. If you want to support Nic Jones, buy one of these! Anahata
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: treewind Date: 12 Jul 02 - 12:12 PM Also this (just announced on IN SEARCH OF NIC JONES can be ordered from Mollie Music, 52 Newland Park Drive, York, YO10 3HP, UK Cheques or IMOs in pounds sterling only payable to Nic Jones/Mollie Music Price 12.99 UK, 13.50 Europe, 14.00 USA (Sorry if you saw it already in another Mudcat thread.) This is apparently a compilation from recordings of live performances. If you want to support Nic Jones, buy one of these! Anahata
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST,Andy, Port Erin, I-O-M Date: 17 Jul 02 - 03:38 AM Good on you Pat. You will need patience and perseverence in dealing with Bulmer and his pals, I am sure. Remember not to take any schtick from Sharpley the disgraced solicitor. He is struck off and should not be operating as a solicitor for Bulmer and/or his companies. Again, good luck and keep us informed as to progress - there's a lot of us who will be watching and hoping for your success. |
Subject: RE: 'Celtic Music/Dave Bulmer' saga: Part 3 From: GUEST, Date: 05 Aug 02 - 04:30 AM Hi out there, I have read the relevant threads with interest, as a big fan of British folk music and an owner of rather ragged copies of No More Forever, Bright Phoebus, Nic Jones, the Dransfields etc. Can anyone tell me when Trailer folded and when Celtic Music bought up the rights (ie how long has this been going on?). Also, are Nic Jones, Gaughan etc personally involved in legal actions against Bulmer? I gathered that legal actions are in process against Celtic Music, but who has brought them and on what grounds and with what end in mind? Thanks anyone. |
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