I am just beyond the beginner stage with the tin whistle but still a beginner with the violin.
I am trying to work out why sometimes I can practise for days but seem to get no better yet at other times I can practise for just a few hours and make reasonable progress.
I am wondering if this is down to the mood I am in - e.g. no expectations and playing for personal pleasure = advance. Lots of expectation and playing in the hope that I can impress someone later = no advance (regardless of determination).
Does anyone else agree/disagree ?
Whereas I can easily hit the latter mood, the former comes only once in a while. Is there any way I can reverse this (or am I doomed because this is born of the desire the drives my 'no advance' mood)
Maybe I am on the wrong track entirely and the violin just requires lots and lots of practice, in which case the question is "how many hours a week should I spend to improve" ?