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Jiggers Improving at playing an instrument (38) RE: Improving at playing an instrument 25 Sep 02

"Why else play"

1. To socialise 2. To hear the tunes - because some of them are nice 3. To impress - though I'd rather this wasn't a reason 4. Practicing gives me another option for something to do in the evenng 5. To take an active part in keeping the music alive

I have struggled with guitar, fiddle, tin whistle, bodhran and singing. If I had enough hands then I could do them all together.

I suppose I should try concertina, accordion, uileann pipes, flute, hammer dulcimer, harp, piano in the next few years. This could be expensive.

I'm not sure I believe this concept of 'your instrument'. Can you define it in a bit more detail.



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