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GUEST,Jim Clark..London..England Sir Walter Raleighs poem to his son (19) RE: Sir Walter Raleighs poem to his son 06 Oct 02

Thanx Guys for the discussion of this fascinating character from history....I think the Atlantic unbound Intro's are excellent,but the readings are hopeless....these academics have virtualy no discernable ability at reading poetry aloud,and on this occasion seem to lack all conception of how Sir Walter Raleigh might have read his poetry aloud in his broad West of England Devon accent (full of rrrr's ha ha)...Anyway if you'd like to hear what he realy might have sounded like try my reading...i'm not from the west of England,but i'm cetain i'm better job of readings Raleighs poem to his only surviving young son warning of the possible results of misfortune "Meeting all in one place" and how it might lead to the hangmans noose,and the gallows tree...he himself was executed on October the 28th 1618 ....Heres the link to the page with my sound file on again..


Jim Clark....

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