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GUEST,Jim Clark..London..England Sir Walter Raleighs poem to his son (19) RE: Sir Walter Raleighs poem to his son 11 Oct 02

Thanx Robin and Belfast,

Robin you may be right,but an awful lot of these things are supposition..By the way where did you read that King James had set Sir Walter up on releasing him to go and find gold in Guiana (Venezuala if I've spelt that righ ha ha,as its called today)I've never read of that conspiracy theory before...I think you will find it was to his younger and not older son.....though your theory is interesting..

Timothy West Smimothy shwest ha ha..of courdse he's a fine actor...but you realy ought to try my version...Raleigh didnt speak with an upper class accent like West...he spoke in broad west country dialecr "aaaaaarghhh shiver me timbers" ha ha..
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Jim Clark..

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