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Robin2 Any Mudcat harpers? (31) RE: Any Mudcat harpers? 12 Oct 02

Hi again every9ne,

Been away at a festival, how great to come home and find all of these wonderful intros!

Bonnie, thanks for all of the links, I'm going to check them ASAP. I am based in Louiville KY, USA by the way.

Helen, thanks for the inspiration...I've been staring at this harp for a year, and feeling guilty that I never even tried to pick it up but once or twice...I guess the timing just has to be right, because now I can't keep my hands off of it. I have plenty of musicians to play with, but no other harpers to learn from close by.

So, does anyone have a book they can recommend, one that gave them a good start on the harp? I have mentioned "The Small Harp", by Allison Kinnaird. Are there others I should look into?


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