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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,struggling, but hopeful BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability (37) RE: BS: Help-exercise & chronic disability 08 Jan 03

Thanks to you, Guest and others. Peg I have 2 yoga tapes I really like and will revue them. Good reminder.

I was not clear enough, I think. The chronic is not pain as much as lack of energy from tricky circulation and being out of shape and overweight. A lack of oxygen has to be compensated. Going to a clinic or pool takes up too much energy and costs too much.

I have found the kind of exercise that works. I have been a deep breather for a long time. I do handweights while sitting at the computer. Recently I was unable to do any of them consisitently. I just needed to know, while starting up, that the little minutes will count for something.

So far today I have done 2 minutes on the bike every hour from 10:00AM on. This is because of the encouragement from all of you. I hope I can keep it going. Thank you!

P.S. I do like to hear what you do and value your advice.

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