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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Vixen@work BS: How did you choose your mudcat name? (195* d) RE: BS: How did you choose your mudcat name? 10 Jan 03

Actually, there's another version of this story out there in one of the old threads.

However, in the days of old, before the internet was host to many many many XXX websites....

My name is Victoria, I go by Vicki, and when I was small and spent lots of time in the woods alone, there was a red fox that I saw often just about the time I was 'spozed to be going home. I have no idea if the fox was a vixen or a dog, but I imagined her to be a sort of girl friend who came out to tell me when to get home so mother wouldn't be angry with me.

Thus, when I started making greeting cards for my friends, I called my "publishing company" (mind you, I'm still only about 10!) Vixen Grafix. And when I started writing songs, I called *that* venture Vixen Muzik. (neither one has made a penny)

Along the way, I got some education, and I spell better now. However, in the process of getting the education, I discovered the philosophical concept of the chiasmus, and the anatomical structure of the same name, and have developed an interest in the myriad of memes represented by the character "X" and how it's formed by two "V"s, and so on and so forth...

So when I first got on the net (anybody remember Megabyte University??) back in the early 90's, socially speaking, Vixen seemed somehow safer than my real name, and I've stuck with it, even though its e-meaning has e-volved into something I really have nothing to do with (those XXX sites I mentioned earlier...)


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