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GUEST,Jim Clark..London..England BS: Saddam's supergun (30) RE: BS: Saddam's supergun 25 Jan 03

The ironic thing about this awesome if rather retro piece of balistic technology was that it was built in Britain with British and US collaboration....If memory serves me right the company was heavily fined for its part and wasnt the US's own Oliver North mixed up in it all somewhere along the line...????..does any one know how many of those segments (if there are more?) make up the gun ???
I came acros it Saturday week ago whilst cyling around Woolowich arsenal with my stepson and bichon frise doggy pal Snowie....I particularly enjoyed Little Hawks comment "The dog is too small a caliber for that barrel, by the way. You need a really fat St.Bernard dog to load up that sucker, with a small tactical nuke strapped to his collar instead of a barrel of brandy." ha ha...not to mention...Roger the Skifflers play on the phallic theme "I thought he was just pleased to see me." ha ha...Theres a fascinating tunnell leading from from my side of north London over to Woolwich south a few minutes away from Woolwich Arsenal one of the earlist arms factories in the world founded by Henry V111 who single handedly almost invented the arms trade....with his naval and military aspirations...Anyway the tunnel "The Woolwich foot tunnel" built in 1912 to enable the dockers to cross over the

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