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GUEST,WillyMcBoyne BS: Hart questions Irish Americans (100* d) RE: BS: Hart questions Irish Americans 25 Feb 03

It is rarely noted in America that the millions of Ulster people (that is the protestant people of northern Ireland) who emigrated to the USA absorbed themselves into the country, unlike the Irish (catholics) whose loyalty is forever with their 'mother' country. Hence these revolting St Paddy Day parades. Nazi rallies under another name. Hey, they both celebrate ethnic purity, don't they?

As for Israel, any country that is founded on the ramblings of a sick and stupid book like the Old Testament is a country that is going to have problems. A state for the jews is a state that is racist by definition. A state should be for its citizens, regardless of race.

The Cubans of the USA are disgusting. The USA drove Castro into the arms of communisim. He wasn't even a commie when he came to power. Millions of people live in South America with no health system or government policies to look after them, but they do have death squads to murder and torture troublemakers.The trouble with Cuba is the american embargo, not its brave leader.

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