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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
outfidel BS: Perversion of U.S. Constitution & Values (77* d) RE: BS: Perversion of U.S. Constitution & Values 25 Mar 03

FWIW, I don't think this is a religious war -- we're not trying to impose Christianity on the Islamic world. But does feel a lot like the world that Samuel Huntington described 10 years ago, in "The Clash of Civilization".

I also don't think this war is primarily for oil. "No blood for oil" is a nice slogan, but my gut tells me that that's not the primary reason for the invasion. If it were, we would be invading Venezuela and its leftist government right now, not Iraq.

I think the war is 1) an overreaction/mistaken reaction to 9/11, and 2) a war of political expediency to re-elect Bush.

Just my $.02 ...

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