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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Beccy BS: The real George Bush (109* d) RE: BS: The real George Bush 09 Apr 03

Oh, yes... Totally unbiased reporting. In case you all missed the hatred dripping from between the lines, let me refresh you.

"In his book, Mr. Bush offers a lovely-sounding (but bald-faced) lie to describe his F-102 fighter pilot experience"

"Well, that is an odd way to describe ignoring two direct orders to appear for duty. He was then assigned to a disciplinary unit in Denver, and he didn't show up for that either."

"Both the Bush Senior military tapes and the hand-picked bin Laden tapes provided a Texas-sized helping of White-House-friendly sound bytes, repeated dozens of times a day"

All out of context? You bet, but when I read the article, all I took from it was that someone with some MAJOR sour grapes and a big, bitter attitude wrote a grudge piece.


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