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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Beccy What Do Mudcatters Do For A Living? (119* d) RE: What Do Mudcatters Do For A Living? 28 May 03

I'm a homeschooling Mom and wife. It's fun. I always wanted to read for a living, and this is the closest thing I can find to it.
Prior to my current career and life's calling, I worked in advertising (ick) and as a professional chef (ah- grand obsession). I'm much happier doing what I'm doing now. I have the most appreciative audience in the world for my culinary creations- and if they try to send it back to the kitchen, I can send THEM to bed early!!!!!

As for fun? Well, my job as Mom and Wife is great, but for more fun I also read voraciously, play piano, sing, regularly attempt and give up at gardening, cook, sell Avon, quilt, and read some more. Oh- and I play with my stinky, ugly, toothless, fat, deaf old dog that I love dearly. Oh- my husband and I recently built a trebuchet and had a great deal of fun launching rocks into the field across the road from our homestead. So I guess medieval siege weaponry could be added to my list of hobbies :-)


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