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GUEST,Sunnywindo Lyr Req: Sundown settin' on a railroad track... (10) RE: Origins: Second Hand Song Request 02 Jul 03

*sigh* I am the "young friend from a different board" that Tyghress
mentioned (lol... nice to be called "young", haven't been feeling that way lately). I would have posted earlier, but my computer had a major meltdown just after posting about this song on the other board and I am just barely getting back online. Where and when I heard this song? Um, Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho summer of 1995. Someone a few doors down from mine in our dorm had a tape mix of various songs and gave copy of it as I liked it, but about a year later I lost it somewhere. I never asked where this paticular song came from at the time (yeah, dumb I know) and it seems to me she had this song labeled "Memory Train" but I am not sure. Just always figured I'd be able to track down a CD or something later, but have run into a brick wall. I can recall the song quite clearly in my mind, could even sing it, but I would much rather hear them (whoever they are) sing it. Thanks all for trying to help... I'll keep hoping.

:) Sunny Sara

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