The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67385   Message #1129601
Posted By: Wilfried Schaum
05-Mar-04 - 03:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: When is St. Patrick's day? Skarpi Iceland.
Subject: RE: BS: When is St. Patrick's day? Skarpi Iceland.
Bobjack - St. George's day 23rd April. I bet it doesn't get it's own threads like March 17th ....
I've found actually six threads so far related to St George:
St George's Day?
All the Best for St Georges Day
What songs for St. George's Day?
Happy St Georges day
Songs for St Georges Day
Lyr Req: St George's Day songs (April 23)
and a lot of references in other threads. Search St George in the Forum and you'll be astonished.
