The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25469   Message #298813
Posted By: GUEST,JTT
16-Sep-00 - 05:17 PM
Thread Name: O Brother, Where Art Thou
Subject: Brother, Where Art Thou
I've just been to see Brother, Where Art Thou, by the Coen Brothers, and it's wall-to-wall old timey music, a real feast and a treat

Here are the threads that have been started on this movie:
1. O Brother, Where Art Thou
2. Lyr Req: o brother
3. Lyr Req: O' Brother, 'rocky candy mountains'
4. New Film, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
5. Oh brother where art thou ?
6. O Brother, where, etc.:Soundtrack/conc.
7. Lyr Req: o, brother where art thou soundtrack
8. I've just seen O Brother Where Art Thou
9. O Brother vs. Morons
11. 'Oh Brother' on stage
12. Oh Brother...
13. BS: o brother, where art thou
14. O Brother, Where Art Thou Video
--JoeClone, 19-Dec-01.