The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30976   Message #400658
Posted By: Jon Freeman
18-Feb-01 - 02:52 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat songroom - Paltalk
Subject: RE: Mudcat songroom - Paltalk
KS, there are 3 Mudcat rooms in use at the moment. The concert room "owned" by Bigchuck is only used for concerts given by other Mudcatters. These are normally held on Thursday nights at 7pm EST and are announced in advane in threads here.

The Mudcat Snug is "owned" by Nynia. This is a closed (password protected) room which is used by Mudcatters (and I think invited guests) for a get together and a song circle. The pasword is dt. I don't know Nynia's rules for opening the room or who can open it but when it is open, it is generally announced at the time in the threads.

The Mudcat Song Circle is "owned" by me. This is an open room where Mudcatters and outsiders can drop in and join in together (no password). As with the Snug, if it is open, it is usually announced in the threads. I allow any Mudcatter to open/adin the room subject to them accepting my rules. It may seem odd me having rules but I need these to run an open room and allow others to Administer it consistently and effetively and apart from anything else, I not the Admins am responsible for the room - there are a lot of Admin problems that do not effect closed rooms.
