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Thread #167430   Message #4140854
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
01-May-22 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: Maritime work song in general
Subject: RE: Maritime work song in general
“They have particular laws amongft themfelves, during thofe piratical cruifes; and keep up a certain order and difcipline. In rowing, at which, from habit, they are dextrous, they have always a fong as a kind of tactic, and beat on two brafs timbrels to keep time. I have known one man on board my little veffel opportunely, with fometimes a Molucca, fometimes a Mindano Mangaio fong, revive the reft, who from fatigue, were droufing at their oars; and operate with pleafing power, what no proffered reward could effect: fo cheared, they will row a whole night.

The Moors, in what is called country fhips in Eaft India, have alfo their chearing fongs; at work in hoifting, or in their boats a rowing. The Javans and Molucca people have theirs. Thofe of the Malays are drawling and infipid. In Europe the French provençals have their fong: it is the reverfe of lively. The Mangaio is brifk, the Malabar tender. The Greeks and Romans had their Celeufma or chearing fong. Martial feems to have made one, III. 67.”
[A Voyage to New Guinea, and the Moluccas, from Balambangan, Forrest, 1779, pp.303-304)]

See: Martial, karakoa &c, above.
Lyr Add: Chanties of Capt. Tho. Forrest

See also: Caracoro/karakoa (1769, above.)