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Lyr Req: Big Knicker Blues (Sandra Kerr)

concertina ceol 19 Jul 06 - 06:42 PM
Peace 20 Jul 06 - 01:49 AM
Peace 20 Jul 06 - 01:55 AM
Sandra in Sydney 20 Jul 06 - 09:13 AM
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Subject: Lyr Req: Big Knicker Blues by Sandra Kerr
From: concertina ceol
Date: 19 Jul 06 - 06:42 PM


anyone know or have the lyrics for this song please. Not in DT and can not find by googling.

many thanks :-)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Big Knicker Blues by Sandra Kerr
From: Peace
Date: 20 Jul 06 - 01:49 AM

I think the title might be "Big Knicker Blues".

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Big Knicker Blues by Sandra Kerr
From: Peace
Date: 20 Jul 06 - 01:55 AM

Coulda sworn that the thread title read 'Blue Knicker Blues'.

Anyway, I cannot find the lyrics. But the song is available on CD.

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Subject: Lyr Add: BIG KNICKER BLUES (Sandra Kerr)
From: Sandra in Sydney
Date: 20 Jul 06 - 09:13 AM

(Sandra Kerr)
As recorded by Sandra Kerr on “Yellow, Red & Gold,” Fellside FECD152, 2000.

Now if, like me, you're a woman of a certain age,
You'll be wearing an article of clothing which is all the rage.
They are generous in size; they reach from your waist down to your thighs.
I'm singing the Wear-'Em-Thicker, Big-Knicker Blues.
Big knickers, you really oughta try 'em.
Big knickers, I'll tell you where to buy 'em.
Wear big knickers and you can't go wrong,
Especially when winter drawers on.

I don't want a gusset that's an inch and pinches underneath.
I want a seat that's more complete than a pocket handkerchief.
I want them long and I want them wide; I want them soft and fleecy inside.
I'm singing the Wear-'Em-Thicker, Big-Knicker Blues.
Big knickers, let's keep them in proportion.
Wear big knickers; don't go into contortions.
Wear big knickers and you can't go wrong,
Especially when winter drawers on.

I tell you, friend, it's not the end if you wear great big pants.
It's really nice; it adds some spice and fun to your romance.
And if you're not prepared to sin, they'll stop somebody from getting in.
I'm singing the Wear-'Em-Thicker, Big-Knicker Blues.
Big knickers, I love my passion killers.
Big knickers, they make useful stocking fillers.
Wear big knickers and you can't go wrong,
Especially when winter drawers on.

Later or sooner, every bloomer will have had its day.
Instead of white and shining bright, they go all limp and grey.
Then cut them up for cleaning rags; use 'em for shopping as carrier bags.
I'm singing the Wear-'Em-Thicker, Big-Knicker Blues.
Big knickers, who cares for style and beauty?
Big knickers, just give me heavy duty.
Wear big knickers and you can't go wrong,
Especially when winter drawers on.

Big kickers, you've all got 'em coming to ya.
Big knickers, be my comfort, alleluia!
Wear big knickers and you can't go wrong,
Especially when winter drawers...
I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
Especially when winter drawers on.

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