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Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround

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Noreen 15 Jul 20 - 05:17 AM
YorkshireYankee 14 Jul 20 - 08:44 PM
YorkshireYankee 14 Jul 20 - 08:26 PM
Richard Mellish 14 Jul 20 - 06:04 AM
YorkshireYankee 30 Jun 20 - 01:49 AM
Joe Offer 08 Jun 20 - 02:46 PM
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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround on Zoom - Mondays
From: Noreen
Date: 15 Jul 20 - 05:17 AM

Thanks Vikki!

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround on Zoom - Mondays
From: YorkshireYankee
Date: 14 Jul 20 - 08:44 PM

Oops, forgot to turn the link into a blue clicky...

FOLK SONG AND MUSIC HALL: The intersection of folk and music hall...

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround on Zoom - Mondays
From: YorkshireYankee
Date: 14 Jul 20 - 08:26 PM

Here's the link I mentioned last night:

The intersection of folk and music hall, the songs and social history

It's the creation of John Baxter:

"This site features a collection of Songs sung in the Music Halls, the stories of those songs and the people who sang them, and how these songs relate to traditional music of the British Isles. I hope it will encourage people to sing the songs, so where possible I include videos and links to sheet music .

"It also has my blog about the social history of Music Hall. I hope to comment on various ways in which it relates to the social history of folksong. I am mostly bringing together information found by others – though I occasionally delve in Victorian newspapers..."

Really been enjoying these sessions; great songs, great singing! Thanks again to Joe, Noreen and Casey.

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Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround on Zoom - Mondays
From: Richard Mellish
Date: 14 Jul 20 - 06:04 AM

Joe said
> Feel free to post whatever you like here (especially lyrics to songs you have sung or will sing)

Here's the one that I sang last night, North Sea Oil

Down by the North Sea shore, a while before now,
While seeking me fortune and rambling around,
I met a little mermaid, very pretty as I recall
And I asked this fond creature where I might find oil.

"Well I know a little oil well not very far from here
And I've been watching over it with the tenderest care
And no-one's been near there since I was a child
And I think you'd find profit to drill there a while."

So I set up my rig and I made a fine stand,
And this sweet little creature gave me a helping hand,
Saying "Daddy, oh Daddy, it makes my blood boil
When you set up your rig to go boring for oil."

Well I kissed this little creature ten thousand times o'er
As we toiled there together all on the sea shore,
With a pillow under her fish-tail, for fear it should soil.
I spat on me auger and went boring for oil.

Well I hadn't been drilling three minutes or four.
At a few inches depth, boys, the gusher did pour.
And she wriggled and giggled, and she said with a smile
"Oh bear down on that auger, for I think you've struck oil."

But it was just a few days after, a thought came in me head,
For the end of that auger was rusty and red.
And I took it to the doctor, and he said with a smile
"I think you struck shale when boring for oil."

I got it from my own recording of Bert at Dingle's Folk Club in London on 4th April 1973.

I have deliberately not checked the above words against the recording, so feel free to spot any folk-processing that I may have done over the years.

In his introduction he refers to earlier versions, so maybe I was wrong in saying that this is one that was entirely his own work rather than his improved version of an existing song, but I suspect that in this form it is mostly his work.

Then again, maybe someone would like to go looking for the earlier versions.

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Subject: ADD-Don’t Know the Words.(for My FavoUrite Things)
From: YorkshireYankee
Date: 30 Jun 20 - 01:49 AM

And here are the words for my UK vs US English parody of "My Favorite Things", as a number of people seemed interested. (I've posted it in a Mudcat thread before now, but I've revised it since then, so might as well share the updated version.)

Below the lyrics, I've added a glossary, for those who may not be familiar with all the terms.

Don’t Know the Words... (for My FavoUrite Things)
TTO: Rodger & Hammerstein’s My Favorite Things
New words: Vikki Appleton Fielden

Jelly is jam here, and jello is jelly
The car has a boot and my foot wears a wellie
Mention “sultanas”, I think "Eastern Kings"
Don’t know the words for my favourite things

Summat is not where you go when you’re climbing
Jumper is not someone into sky diving
Bob is Your uncle, the Beeb is your aunt
Don’t know the words to explain what I want

If my languish causes anguish; if you think me sad
Oh, won’t you remember I’m just a poor Yank,
and that’s why I talk... so bad

Beer’s sold by landlords instead of bartenders
Don’t tell the clerk that your man needs suspenders
Braces are not always worn on your teeth
Rubber is nothing to do with a sheath

I stand in line; over here it’s called queueing
Lines are engaged but they never need wooing
You stop while five while I stay until four
Knob isn’t always a thing on a door

If I speak, luv, like a freak, luv; if you think me mad
Oh, won’t you remember I’m just a poor Yank,
and that’s why I talk... so bad

Biscuits are sweet but a tart can be racy,
a Nice bit o’ crumpet might wear something lacy
Crackers are not always eaten with cheese
Folks don’t wear flannels but you can wear fleece

Chips come with haddock; and crisps in a packet
Soccer is football and baseball’s not cricket
Stockings have ladders and Cricket has runs
Baps is the word for my favourite buns

If you’re thinkin’ I’ve been drinkin’; if I seem a cad
Oh, won’t you remember I’m just a poor Yank,
and that’s why I talk... so bad

Two pints of bitter was not a bad notion
Held up two fingers and caused a commotion
I didn’t quack but you called me a duck
Muffler’s not something to quiet a truck

You call me luv; I don’t know who you are, pet
But when I say shag, ducks, I only mean carpet
Met a cute bloke at the Anchor & Bull
Kept my hands off him but he said I pulled

I get confused but I can’t ask my granny
My knickers are knackered and show off my f...reckles
You can go barking though you’re not a dog,
Everyone goes to the loo in a swamp... (um, bog!)

If my diction causes friction; if I’m misconstrued
Oh, won’t you remember I’m just a poor Yank,
and that’s why I talk... so rude!


UK/Yorkshire word – US word
jelly – Jello
jam – jelly
preserves – jam
boot – (car) trunk
wellie (short for Wellington) – boot
sultana – raisin (sort of: raisins and a sultanas are produced from the same grape but a raisin is dried naturally, and a sultana is dipped in veg oil and acid and then dried.)
summat – something (I think it's a corruption of somewhat)
jumper – sweater
Bob's your uncle – you're all set/in good shape
Auntie Beeb – the BBC
landlord – pub owner
suspenders – garter
braces – suspenders
rubber – condom
queue – line
line – telephone line
engaged – busy
stop – stay
while – until
knob – dick
biscuit – cookie
tart – loose woman
nice bit of crumpet – very attractive woman (usually young)
cracker – very attractive woman
flannel – washcloth
fleece – warm jacket (often woolen)
chips – french fries
crisps – potato chips
football – soccer
ladder – run (as in stocking)
steps – ladder
baps – bread rolls
holding up two fingers is like flipping the bird to someone – rudest possible gesture (but it's ok if you do it like a peace sign).
meduck/ducks – dearie
muffler – scarf
silencer – muffler
luv – darlin'
pet – dear
shag – have sex with
pulled – successfully picked up/scored
knickers – undies
pants – underpants
knackered – worn out
fanny – pussy (as in woman's "front bottom")
barking – mad
bog – bathroom (Brits think we're rather silly to call it a bathroom, especially if there's not even a bath in it)

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Subject: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
From: Joe Offer
Date: 08 Jun 20 - 02:46 PM

We started the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround in June, 2020, and it has been a wonderful gathering every Monday since then. I don't know how long it will go on, but I hope to stay with it until it fades away. I have an ulterior motive for this singaround - to add song research material for Mudcat. Gerry Myerson has recently been compiling lists of songs such at the singaround, and many people have submitted the lyrics to the songs they sang. I'm going to use this thread to serve as a home for those lists and lyrics. Gerry will be a moderator of this thread.

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