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Screwed by HM Govt AGAIN

GUEST,Hootenanny 15 Nov 10 - 11:26 AM
Arthur_itus 15 Nov 10 - 11:17 AM
bubblyrat 15 Nov 10 - 10:31 AM
Green Man 15 Nov 10 - 10:20 AM
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Subject: RE: Screwed by HM Govt AGAIN
From: GUEST,Hootenanny
Date: 15 Nov 10 - 11:26 AM

Whoever wrote that government reply should be instructed that PENCE is the plural of PENNY. Perhaps he/she was taught at one of those fantastic academies or possibly Eton.


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Subject: RE: Screwed by HM Govt AGAIN
From: Arthur_itus
Date: 15 Nov 10 - 11:17 AM

LOL This should be BS me thinks, before it really gets going.

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Subject: RE: Screwed by HM Govt AGAIN
From: bubblyrat
Date: 15 Nov 10 - 10:31 AM

You just don't get it, do you,Green Man ?? The government NEED to tax us to the hilt in order to raise the money to pay off the Somali pirates,whom they don't wish to offend by precipitating anything remotely retaliatory or bellicose.

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Subject: Screwed by HM Govt AGAIN
From: Green Man
Date: 15 Nov 10 - 10:20 AM

We signed a petition to get duty on fuel returned to the same level when the last VAT 'adjustment' wnet through and this is the reply.

I think it reprehensible that these people be allowed to force us to pay so much for the priviledge of working when they are sanctioning the waste the two current wars are causing.
Government response

Your petition relates to the policy of the former Chancellor of the Exchequer. In his 2008 Pre-Budget Report the former Chancellor said “I will offset the VAT reduction, by increasing all these duties by an amount which should keep the overall cost to consumers the same this year.â€쳌

The coalition Government’s first changes to taxation were announced in the June Budget. The Budget sets out the action the Government is taking to rebalance the economy and provide the conditions for sustainable growth and deficit reduction. This involves difficult choices.

The existing rates of fuel duty and the rates applicable through to January 2011 were set and legislated for by the previous Government. Under plans the coalition Government has inherited fuel duty is scheduled to rise by one pence per litre above indexation each year thereafter until April 2014.

It is necessary to implement these increases as dealing with the budget deficit is the single greatest economic challenge this Government faces. Unavoidably, tough decisions are required, but underpinning the Government’s approach is a commitment to fairness. The Government has been clear that the burden of deficit reduction will have to be shared, but the most vulnerable in our society will be protected.

Passing the buck seems to be the order of the day. The previous government were just guys with different colour ties. They are all the same. Politicians are licensed thieves.

(I do love a good rant)


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