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BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport

Brian May 26 Feb 11 - 10:45 AM
SINSULL 25 Feb 11 - 07:46 PM
Brian May 25 Feb 11 - 05:41 PM
Tangledwood 25 Feb 11 - 05:07 PM
Arthur_itus 25 Feb 11 - 01:26 PM
Brian May 25 Feb 11 - 06:16 AM
gnu 24 Feb 11 - 06:27 PM
Lizzie Cornish 1 24 Feb 11 - 05:04 PM
Arthur_itus 24 Feb 11 - 04:46 PM
Brian May 24 Feb 11 - 04:31 PM
Tangledwood 24 Feb 11 - 03:54 PM
Brian May 24 Feb 11 - 03:36 PM

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Subject: RE: BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport
From: Brian May
Date: 26 Feb 11 - 10:45 AM

Thank you Mary.

Already amidst this tragedy, there are some wonderful stories emerging ranging from heroism all the way through to just plain old caring for other human beings.

It's bad enough, but could be so much worse, I just pray the aftershocks ease to allow the recovery work to continue. Perhaps the cooler weather has helped too.

Best of luck Christchurch.

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Subject: RE: BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport
Date: 25 Feb 11 - 07:46 PM

I hope the baby and Mom come through this with nothing more than a story to tell. I hope the lady who lost her home has a healthy baby and a new start.
Be well, Brian.

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Subject: RE: BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport
From: Brian May
Date: 25 Feb 11 - 05:41 PM

Yeah, it's kind of nice when the 'little guy' can make big company sit up and listen.

I appreciate all the support but channel the mental energy towards all the poor souls in Christchurch.

Take care all.


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Subject: RE: BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport
From: Tangledwood
Date: 25 Feb 11 - 05:07 PM

Well done with the win Brian. I hadn't heard of booking parking either otherwise I probably would have realised.

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Subject: RE: BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport
From: Arthur_itus
Date: 25 Feb 11 - 01:26 PM

I am very glad that things are OK at the moment. I will keep my fingers crossed for all of you. All I know, is that I am not sure I could handle it in your situation.

Anyway, it's great news about Manchester Airport. You are now famous :-)

Look forward to seeing you on March 12th and of course Sheena when she is back.


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Subject: RE: BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport
From: Brian May
Date: 25 Feb 11 - 06:16 AM

Les, I've spoken with Sheena in Christchurch and we are both very moved by your gesture. I can't possibly accept as it takes away some of the profit for the venue and I love the feel of the place, so wish it to be supported. It's always a pleasure to come and I'm really looking forward to it.

The family are OK at the moment, boiling water and accommodating friends who've been made homeless in other parts of the city, sometimes for a shower, sometimes to fill water containers, although it looks like they may be putting up another pregnant lady whose house was in the Central Business District and has been wiped out.

There's been a development with Manchester Airport. I carried out my intention and contacted the media concerning their insensitivity.

I've been interviewed on air, by BBC Sheffield. Customer Relations at Manchester Airport have made a statement to the effect that me, and anyone similarly affected by this disaster, will get an immediate refund.

So good has come of it after all. Frankly, it's bad enough not being there without small-minded attitudes.

Thanks all for your support. Les, and cannot thank you enough, Sheena was nearly in tears when I told her what you'd said, she sends both her thanks and her love for a really beautiful act of kindness. I shall see you March 12th.

Best wishes all and my thoughts continue to be with those affected by this disaster and the rescue services who have such a harrowing task.

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Subject: RE: BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport
From: gnu
Date: 24 Feb 11 - 06:27 PM

Me too... and screw MAN AP. Bastards. I hope you write a few letters to the editors.

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Subject: RE: BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport
From: Lizzie Cornish 1
Date: 24 Feb 11 - 05:04 PM

Wishing them all the best, Brian...

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Subject: RE: BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport
From: Arthur_itus
Date: 24 Feb 11 - 04:46 PM

Hey Brian
I really do hope that things work out OK. Such a terrible tradegy.
It must be extremely stressful for you not being able to go there.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
I am telling you this now. when you come to Faldingworth on March 12th you will be our guest. That means FOC, not a lot, but hopefully an appreciation of your situation.. I am sure John, Bill & Dave will go some way to helping you to relax for an evening.
Very best wishes
Les Worrall

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Subject: RE: BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport
From: Brian May
Date: 24 Feb 11 - 04:31 PM

Booked the PARKING at the airport - sorry if that wasn't clear.

Damn . . . I knew what I meant ;o)

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Subject: RE: BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport
From: Tangledwood
Date: 24 Feb 11 - 03:54 PM

This has me very puzzled. Whenever I've travelled I've never had to book an airport. That's the airline's concern.

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Subject: BS: NZ Earthquake - Manchester Airport
From: Brian May
Date: 24 Feb 11 - 03:36 PM

My wife is with my daughter who is one week overdue with our first grandchild. They live in Lincoln just south west of Christchurch.

Due to the situation and the Mayor of Christchurch's request for no visitors to tax their already disrupted infrastructure, and the airport closed to non-rescue traffic (most understandable).

When I explained this to Singapore Airlines they were absolutely superb and arranged to refund my ticket. What's more, they have waived their Admin Fee due to the circumstances.

Manchester Airport however, were more than happy to cancel my booking but for the whole fee. Being sensitive souls and realising that I could not travel because I'd be barred from arrival at Christchurch to see my family, they've made sure that they were OK and not only got the full fee, they have the space to sell again. Caveat Emptor I suppose.

When I used to work there, the airport was covered in signs saying 'The North's Favourite Airport' - well, for me at least, they've cured that.

But what a contrast between this international airline and a bunch of petty bureaucrats.

Well done Singapore Airlines.

My thoughts are with my family and all those affected by this tragedy.

Manchester Airport? Well you're just being Manchester Airport . . . the North's favourite.

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Mudcat time: 27 December 3:03 PM EST

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