Lyr/Chords Req: With his little 'Ha, ha, ha!'
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Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: With his little 'Ha, ha, ha!' From: Devon Smudge Date: 08 Jul 00 - 07:32 AM To JimmyC Thanks! Just got back and found your response to my quest. Wow! This Mudcap forum's already come up trumps! Thanks for your reply. Yes, that's got to be the one and I got instant nostalgia about that session. Trouble is, I can't get memory of the tune back, and I've just gotta learn that song and add it to my repetoire. I'll obviously try to trace the Corries record (I've got a collection, but obviously have missed that one!). If you do happen to recall the tune and can get it to me I'll certainly pay any costs. (email address is rogermif@btinternet.com and tel. no. 01752 252396) Whatever, am grateful for what you've found out already. Cheers! Devon Smudge |
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: With his little 'Ha, ha, ha!' From: GUEST,JimmyC Date: 05 Jul 00 - 11:18 AM Sorry Devon, here is the complete 6th verse;
Now all went well til La-de-da-de-da |
Subject: Lyr Add: LA-DE-DA-DE-DUM (from The Corries) From: GUEST,JimmyC Date: 05 Jul 00 - 11:12 AM Dear Devon Smudge - I think this may be the one your looking for. It is on one of the Corries Live recordings known as " La=De-Da-De_Dum." enjoy - JimmyC. On the 17th of March, in La-De-Da-De-Da A son was born to Mrs Da-De-Dum He Had Two arms, Two Legs , a mouth and eyes and ears And the usual La-de-da-de-da-de-dum. They duly christened him La-de-da-de-da They gave his second name as Da-De-Dum And all his life, though he lived full ninety years He was known as La-de-da-de-da-de-dum As he grew up, his La-de-da-de-da Grew quicker than his other Da-De-Dum And when he was sixteen, everyone remarked On his great big La-de-da-de-da-de-dum. He met a girl in La-de-da-de-da She was pretty but a little Da-de_dum And the reason that he loved her best was she Did'nt mind his La-de-da-de-da-de-dum Her mother was awfully, La-de-da-de-da Her father was completely Da-De-Dum They sat down to dinner of salmon mayonnaise And a bowl of La-de-da-de-da-de-dum Now all went well till La-de-da-de-da He bent to take a sup of Da-de-dum He tipped his plate and the salmon mayonnaise Fell upon his Da-de-da-de-dum Her mother cried loudly, DA-DE-DA-DE-Da Her father sorta mumbled da-de-dum Her mother said dear you should try to find a boy With a smaller La-de-da-de-da-de-dum They married in the spring of La-de-da-de-da They honeymooned in lovely Da-de-dum But they found that they could'nt fit in the double bed For his great big La-de-da-de-da-de-dum So they decided, La-de-da-de-da To get a single bed for Da-de-dum They slept together and they used the other one For to rest his la-de-da-de-da-de-dum On the 19th of June in La-de-da-de-da He took ill with a case of da-de-dum So they wrapped him up in bandages that ended with a bow Round his la-de-da-de-da-de-da-de-dum He died in the spring of Da-de-da-de-da- A victim of the dreaded Da-de-dum They put him in his coffin but could'nt shut the lid For his great big da-de-da-de-da-de-dum Then the undertaker da-de-da-de-da Said we need a second one for da-de-dum So he made another coffin roughly three feet two by one Just to take his la-de-da-de-da-de-dum You can read it on his tombstone , la-de-da-de-da The only son of Mrs Da-de-dum Here lies his body but in two graves up but one Lies his la-de-da-de-da-de-da-de-dum.
Subject: With his little 'Ha, ha, ha!' From: Devon Smudge Date: 03 Jul 00 - 07:28 PM Mad query from a new Mudcapper! Many years ago, (circa 1970's) I took part in a grat song weekend at Broadstone Warren, Nr. Forest Row, Sussex. There was a group there called "Puffin' Billy?" and they came out with a really comical song about a fella with his little "Ha, ha, ha" (Might have been "La,de, dah" Bit naughty, but harmless and quite OK to sing in mixed company! Each verse ended with ..... with his little "Ha, ha, ha,". It had a comical ending I think, about needing an odd shaped grave when he died, but the memory is vague ... like this query! Would love to know if the group is still going, or if anyone might have come across this ditty, preferably words and tune. Honest! It was a real sonG! |
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