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Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy

GUEST,A god realized soul ,the avatar of the era 17 Feb 02 - 04:11 AM
Little Hawk 15 Feb 02 - 01:22 PM
GUEST,Sri Chinmoy 15 Feb 02 - 01:14 AM
GUEST,The Real Lyric Writer 15 Feb 02 - 01:09 AM
Little Hawk 14 Feb 02 - 02:12 PM
InOBU 14 Feb 02 - 08:34 AM
InOBU 14 Feb 02 - 08:32 AM
Little Hawk 14 Feb 02 - 01:41 AM
GUEST,The Real Lyric Writer 14 Feb 02 - 01:19 AM
GUEST,The Real Lyric Writer 14 Feb 02 - 01:10 AM
Willie-O 13 Feb 02 - 07:37 PM
InOBU 13 Feb 02 - 07:21 PM
Little Hawk 13 Feb 02 - 06:19 PM
GUEST, 13 Feb 02 - 05:02 PM
Murray MacLeod 13 Feb 02 - 05:00 PM
InOBU 13 Feb 02 - 01:00 PM
GUEST, 13 Feb 02 - 02:20 AM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: GUEST,A god realized soul ,the avatar of the era
Date: 17 Feb 02 - 04:11 AM

I am shocked by the way you chose to speak to GOD. You are drowning in the sea of darkness oh woe to you, your wings are broken you will fly in the pie in the sky no longer, Little Hawk Okay if I give out free Kentucky Fried Chicken do you think I can draw a bigger crowd? I gotta sell those photos, books and tapes of mine. Want to buy a pair of my used sneakers? If I can't get A top 40 artist what do you suggest I do? Anybody know a good recording artist? Anybody know a rich person who owns a good recording studio? Look I only put it half way in. She's not going to get pregnant if I put it half way in. of course I'm celibate I abstain between sex acts.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: Little Hawk
Date: 15 Feb 02 - 01:22 PM

Dream on, Chinmoy. That song will never even make the Top 52,000 list. Its subject matter is far too obscure to spark the interest of the general public, who are almost universally unaware that you exist. This is because their minds are on fast food, cheap entertainment, casual sex, and so on...definitely NOT on enlightenment. They may have heard of enlightenment, but they are certainly not interested in it.

I realize that a person like yourself, surrounded by fawning devotees and sycophants, tends to become a little isolated from the general status quo out there, so I thought I'd better tell you. There is little chance that either Celine Dion or Rod Stewart will record this song.

My spiritual studies tell me that we are all God, only most of us don't realize it yet. Agreed? Now let's start acting the role in an appropriate fashion. That would be a real challenge to take up, wouldn't it?

- LH

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Subject: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: GUEST,Sri Chinmoy
Date: 15 Feb 02 - 01:14 AM

What a good and honest song you have written about me. I really hope it goes Top 40, right to the top of the hit parade. Are there any famous wealthy musicians who would like to record this song for me?but of course my picture must go on the cover... Of course I will get all the royalties and all the credit. Always remember that I am God and you're a god dammed mess

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Subject: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: GUEST,The Real Lyric Writer
Date: 15 Feb 02 - 01:09 AM

You're jealous of this god realized piece of a lyric that was transmitted to me from Angelic Beings. The heavenly choir sang this song to me when I was in a deep deep stoned I meant transcendental state. You're right good and lawyer do not belong in the same sentence please accept my apologies I meant I required a shyster to divest these two misguided folks of their dollar bills who claim to have written my song, these thieves of the holy word that was transmitted to me by the lamb of God. Let us pray... Ashrita, is nobody you'd want to know as he is the head lackey and bag boy for Chimnoy. Just a chicken zombie.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: Little Hawk
Date: 14 Feb 02 - 02:12 PM

Yes, Larry, that all sounds very reasonable...but...

What if you actually are the devil, and just don't realize it, having been struck by temporary amnesia??!!!

This is a pretty disturbing thing to contemplate, of course, but anything is possible. If you sit down and really think hard about it for a few hours, you may end up as paranoid as the aforementioned GUEST...but that's okay, cos even the paranoid have real enemies, right?

God, the envy, the sheer green jealousy we must all feel upon reading those superb lyrics, and then pondering our own feeble attempts at songwriting... :-)

Anyone know who "Ashrita" is?

- LH

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: InOBU
Date: 14 Feb 02 - 08:34 AM

PS As to your paranoia, you should re read my posts, I was praising your song, though advising that one should be careful about public liabel, and your responce is to liabel me. Amazing, - Larry

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: InOBU
Date: 14 Feb 02 - 08:32 AM

I just reread the thread and realized that the truth about Sri Chimnoy hold the mirror etc. comment was not a supporter of Chinmoy or chimnoy or what ever, but is the origional guest, which points to the sillyness of the anonimity of posting as a guest. I should explain that this person has a paranoid notion that I am the devil for some reason, well, best of luck to her anyway, and as far as being jealous of your songs, I have always praised Eric's writing, have never heard yours, and the praise I get from here and there is quite enough thank you. It is liabel to intimate that I sell information about anyone and would ask that you give details rather than vield intimations and further, would suggest that you disscuss this all with your therapist.
All the best, Larry

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: Little Hawk
Date: 14 Feb 02 - 01:41 AM

Yuck. The more I hear about this "master", the less I like it. My friend Roger, who is visiting the Aurobindo ashram in Pondicherry, India at the moment, mentioned a while back that virtually all the Indian gurus who establish themselves in North America (meaning the USA) come here looking for money, power, and fame (and I guess you can add sex to that), whereas the sincere ones tend to stay in India. I suspect he is right about that, in a general sense. I hope to goodness there is at least the occasional exception!

In the Aurobindo writings it states that the 3 things most likely to bring down those on a spiritual path are the desires for: money, power, and sex. I guess that's no surprise to most of us. Those are the things that nail corporate CEO's and politicians too.

It is also the case that as one follows a spiritual path or any other path, one gets tested, and the higher the aspiration, the more severe the tests. So, some seekers start out sincerely aiming for the highest, but end up falling very low indeed.

Remember when Christ was in the desert, and Satan (a symbolic figure, in my opinion) came to tempt him with all the kingdoms of the Earth, with ultimate power, with anything he wanted? That is typical. Great levels of accomplishment provide a larger field of opportunity than small ones do. He didn't fall for it, but most would.

So, GUEST, you want to find a "good" lawyer? Some around here would call that a contradiction in terms... :-)

But not me, of course! I can't afford to alienate the friends I have on Mudcat who happen to be lawyers as well as folkies...

- LH

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Subject: The Ballad of Sri Chinmooy
From: GUEST,The Real Lyric Writer
Date: 14 Feb 02 - 01:19 AM

No, he does it all with his devoted followers money, energy and time. A lot of his disciples work for slave wages at "divine enterprises" or for free. He demands "love offerings" ($$$-now we find out it's free love he also needs) from his followers, sells ridiculous amounts of his photos, trinkets, books and tapes. Many of his followers are decent top notch musicians and singers. For more information go to

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Subject: The Ballad of Sri Chinmoy
From: GUEST,The Real Lyric Writer
Date: 14 Feb 02 - 01:10 AM

They stole my dam song.I'm gonna sue. Anybody know a good lawyer? They tried to make it that they didn't know nothing by misspelling his name all over the place. Don't believe the hype the real title of my fab song is "The Ballad of Sri Chinmoy" They should watch out whose lyrics they steal. I'm gonna get them. All of them. Just as soon as I find out who they are...

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: Willie-O
Date: 13 Feb 02 - 07:37 PM

Sri Chinmoy fancies himself quite the musician in fact. Books big arenas like the Corel Centre to play his flute in, tries to make it look like some kind of musically as well as spiritually awesome event....of course he has to do it with his own money, so he's not hurting.

polite skeptic

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: InOBU
Date: 13 Feb 02 - 07:21 PM

To the Chimnoy or Chinmoy appologist... I know the folks who wrote the song... they arn't rich. They are poor well meaning folk singer types, and in fact I have heard a horror story or two about our Brother Sri Chimnoy. Cheers, Larry

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: Little Hawk
Date: 13 Feb 02 - 06:19 PM

Fascinating! I never expected to see Sri Chinmoy's name show up on the Mudcat, but I am learning what a universal place this really is.

It's "Chinmoy", by the way...not "Chimnoy", so I guess you are in no danger at all of getting sued for slander! :-)

What's really interesting about this is, I had recently heard through a completely separate source (a spiritual seeker) that Sri Chinmoy was not all he claimed to be...

I've been studying with a group which was actually a Sri Chinmoy group some years back, maybe as recently as 2 years ago...they have since dropped their affiliation to Sri Chinmoy, and are going instead directly to the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (Mira Alfassa), who were the original teachers in Pondicherry where Chinmoy was a disciple. The Pondicherry Ashram seems to be a very interesting place, and I have a friend over there right now visiting it.

I'm not an official member of either outfit (Aurobindo or Chinmoy), just an interested observer who is reading some of the Aurobindo materials, which are extensive, and very impressive. No one has tried to get large amounts of money out of me, nor have I encountered any problems like that. I have never actually attended a Sri Chinmoy gathering, just heard references to same from these people in the study group.

I was really very surprised to see the name Chinmoy (even if misspelled) appearing on Mudcat. I guess this means Chinmoy...or "Chimnoy" if you prefer...has hit the BIG TIME! (having garnered the attention of the folk music community) :-)

- LH

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Subject: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: GUEST,
Date: 13 Feb 02 - 05:02 PM

Always with the put downs and veiled threats my brother? That's an indication of a very insecure person or maybe you're just talking in the mirror again. Don't you wish you could write lyrics as good as us? You are jealous of my genius it is so obvious. Really there are a lot of therapists in NYC who would love to help you. I am sure with all the money you make selling information about people you will be able to afford one.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: Murray MacLeod
Date: 13 Feb 02 - 05:00 PM


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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: InOBU
Date: 13 Feb 02 - 01:00 PM

Gee friends... I hope you have a good lawyer also. I think you guys may be on point... but with all his bucks... well, gee... the truth and an expencive lawyer is the defense against liable! Hope yer well old pal, and best to the Geneshnic. CHeers Larry

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Subject: The Ballad of Sri Chimnoy
From: GUEST,
Date: 13 Feb 02 - 02:20 AM

THE BALLAD OF SRI CHMNOY Words: Yarrow Regan and Eric Levine Tune : Go to sleep you weary Hobo

CH: Go to sleep you ex-disciple Peace wherever you may go When you die you'll go to Heaven Sri Chimnoy will go below

Don't you worry bout tomorrow Destiny you'll surely find Sri Chinmoy he is a liar Wants your money and your mind

I know Ashrita gives you trouble He's rude and nasty does not care But when you die and go to heaven They'll be no Ashrita there


Chinmoy caught a plane from India Landed at Kennedy in 64 Could not take the mud of Ponicherry He knew, that there was something more

He got, a job at the consulate But the pay was very small So he made up a fat story Said "the Lord gave me a call"


Chimnoy, sure he is Guru That's a business he learned fast Selling his own photos too followers Raking in big wads of cash

Soon he faced a big dilemma He proclaimed celibacy Demanded the same of all his followers While he screwed in secrecy


Take off your clothes my darling follower I have a deed that I must do Though I told you I was Godly Receive my flesh all though and though

If you happen to get pregnant Have an abortion he would say Then he'd reach inside his dresser With crisp, 100s he would pay


This it is our holy secret Do not think of it at all For I have another girl awaiting And, a stud right down the hall

Please don't ever get the notion That you'd blab or talk about Just remember I'm God realized And you better shut your mouth


We have ways when we are Guru's Of controlling likes of you For every follower that leaves me Comes another sucker too

I've got spies and I've got lawyers Congressman wrapped around my toe If you give me any trouble All my guards will make you go


I own a restaurant and a barbershop I have a printing press too A sari shop and two health food stores In my Queens Basement a zoo

I smuggled the animals from third world countries I gave customs a big bribe And paid off powerful people Who are always on my side


My name is Chinmoy Kumar Ghose For world peace I give a gift Photo-ops with dignitaries Giant airplanes I lift

But now they say that I'm a liar Stories about me they do write If you have a house in Switzerland Can I come and spend the night

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