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Multiple Personality Disorder

Sean Belt 22 Sep 00 - 06:53 PM
The Beanster 23 Sep 00 - 12:16 AM
McGrath of Harlow 23 Sep 00 - 06:42 AM
katlaughing 23 Sep 00 - 09:55 AM
bbelle 23 Sep 00 - 10:29 AM
Mike Regenstreif 23 Sep 00 - 10:43 AM
bbelle 23 Sep 00 - 10:52 AM
GUEST,John Bauman 23 Sep 00 - 11:27 AM
McGrath of Harlow 23 Sep 00 - 11:55 AM
sophocleese 23 Sep 00 - 12:10 PM
bbelle 23 Sep 00 - 12:14 PM
GUEST,ShadowMonk 23 Sep 00 - 03:03 PM
McGrath of Harlow 23 Sep 00 - 03:34 PM
bbelle 23 Sep 00 - 04:09 PM
Susan from California 24 Sep 00 - 01:48 AM
McGrath of Harlow 24 Sep 00 - 06:59 AM
bbelle 24 Sep 00 - 10:43 AM
McGrath of Harlow 24 Sep 00 - 11:09 AM
Rich(bodhránai gan ciall) 24 Sep 00 - 03:55 PM
katlaughing 24 Sep 00 - 06:05 PM
Rich(bodhránai gan ciall) 25 Sep 00 - 12:25 AM
CamiSu 25 Sep 00 - 09:53 AM
GUEST,Phantom Lurker 25 Sep 00 - 10:23 AM
mousethief 25 Sep 00 - 11:33 AM
Jeri 25 Sep 00 - 12:12 PM
McGrath of Harlow 25 Sep 00 - 01:33 PM
mousethief 25 Sep 00 - 01:41 PM
Jeri 25 Sep 00 - 03:05 PM
bbelle 25 Sep 00 - 04:42 PM
bflat 25 Sep 00 - 07:32 PM
McGrath of Harlow 25 Sep 00 - 07:56 PM
CarolC 25 Sep 00 - 10:00 PM
GUEST,Roger the skiffler 27 Sep 00 - 08:36 AM
Bagpuss 27 Sep 00 - 10:12 AM
sophocleese 27 Sep 00 - 11:06 AM
Bagpuss 27 Sep 00 - 11:12 AM
hesperis 27 Sep 00 - 05:09 PM
CarolC 27 Sep 00 - 07:59 PM
katlaughing 27 Sep 00 - 09:40 PM
GUEST,marty D 27 Sep 00 - 11:37 PM
Jeri 28 Sep 00 - 09:15 AM
katlaughing 28 Sep 00 - 03:27 PM
GUEST 01 Oct 00 - 11:56 AM
GUEST,abby 27 Oct 04 - 09:06 AM
GUEST,Dr. Quelch 27 Oct 04 - 09:24 AM
Janie 27 Oct 04 - 10:12 AM
Amos 27 Oct 04 - 10:18 AM
GUEST,Art Thieme 27 Oct 04 - 11:38 AM
JennyO 13 Apr 07 - 02:58 AM
leeneia 25 Apr 07 - 11:47 AM
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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: Sean Belt
Date: 22 Sep 00 - 06:53 PM

Well, P.L., your last couple of posts parroting back what people have posted and your obvious delight in the way you've gotten us all stirred up shows me that you don't have much interest in any kind of real discussion. this appears to be a chance for you to show that you're really better and smarter and more clever than anyone else around.

For what it's worth, I agree with Carol C's assessment. As far as whether you're male or female, it would be impossible for that to make less difference to me than it already does. Not does it matter to me who you "really" are. I'm outta this one, folks, and a bit saddened by it, too.

- Sean

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: The Beanster
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 12:16 AM

Phantom Lurker-- Thanks for your reply and I do believe your initial question in this thread is sincere. I just disagree with your statements that pseudo-postings are necessarily harmless. If you'll re-read my post above, I began that paragraph with the word "if." It's a hypothetical scenario. I didn't say your post(s) here was not genuine. I said if you make a practice of entering non-genuine posts, especially where opinions are concerned, I disagree with your reasoning that it is, in essence, all in good fun. And the fact that I believe it's wrong for people to lie when posting an opinion is completely the point--and that is my entire point. Since you seemed to want to change that subject so quickly in your last entry, let me ask you something: Do you lie when posting under a pseudonym? If not, then the question as it applies to you, is moot. If you do, I take issue with that. That's all. (And obviously, you can tell the truth here, now, because of course, you have afforded yourself the luxury of anonymity.) I never said you would lie to "stir things up." You may do it for that reason and you may not. That is one of your assumptions.

Speaking of that, you seem to be making the assumption that I am labeling you as antisocial. I didn't say YOU were antisocial. I was speaking in general terms in that I believe people who can post in a deceitful way--whether that's what YOU do or not--would probably have the kind of character deficits that allow them to do so without experiencing remorse. If the shoe fits...

mousethief--very interesting, what you wrote.

Lepus Rex--I always love your posts. Right to the point. You don't f... around! lol

moonjen--how about "Mudcateers?"

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 06:42 AM

"Playing roles doesn't make you a phony - as long as you make it clear what you are doing." (Bagpuss)

Exactly so - and that "as long as" is crucial.

It's the difference between someone who dresses up as a Doctor in a Mummers Play, and someone who pretends to be a Doctor when a patient needs treatment.

Fancy dress is fun, and part of the fun can be trying to guess who the hell it is inside it, and there's nothing wrong with that on the Mudcat. But say there's a real discussion about real things, it doesn't belong there.

And I can see why someone might, in a serious discussion want to talk about something personal in an anonymous way.

So there are reasons why and occasions when. But you have to think about it first. "To live outyside the law you must be honest."

As for "mudpeople/mudperson" - if the words "mudpeople/mudperson" are used in a nasty sense by nasty people, it might be a good idea to retrieve it, and use it in a positive and respectful sense. Mudpeople/mudperson sound like good word to me, and I'm happy to have them referring to me.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: katlaughing
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 09:55 AM

That might be true for you, Kevin, but I would hate for some new person to visit the site, who was a minority, and read that without some idea of who we are, in general, and the context in which it was being used. Just a thought....


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: bbelle
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 10:29 AM

kat and kevin ... I said in the PC thread that if one knows a word/term could have a nasty connotation, then one shouldn't say it, for fear of hurting someone.

kevin (and others) ... I appreciate very much your thoughts and "words" on this, but, kat is right. I will follow my own words. After all, we are mudcatters, and an attempt to come up with something more catchy, as it were, was probably a feeble attempt, on my part.

Before kat's enlightenment, I didn't know the connotation, and it was excusable. Now that I know, there wouldn't be an excuse.

All Hail to "Mudcatter" the Word

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: Mike Regenstreif
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 10:43 AM

As kat pointed out, the term "mudpeople" is used by white supremicist groups to describe people of colour.

I'll add, though, that the expression is also used to describe anyone who does not fit their peculiar definition of "white." For example, these groups also consider Jews to be "mudpeople."

Mike Regenstreif

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: bbelle
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 10:52 AM

Mike ... I've done a bit of research since yesterday, and yes, the term is widely used by ALL or MOST of the white supremist groups. And your description of how it is used, is spot-on.

I am a very fair-skinned Jew, but the skin of my Sepphardic ancestors was swarthy. By that definition, they would be called "mudpeople."

So, any attempt to turn it into something positive, would be moot. We aren't going to change the KKK, et. al.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: GUEST,John Bauman
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 11:27 AM

This hits home. When I was wrestling with whether or not to participte in the folknazi thread I actually thought about doing it with a pseudonym but there is certain kind(s) of subject matter that demand the integrity of one's real name (or identifiable moniker) because words divorced from identintity are hypocricy. The net is custom built for this disconnect and we can rarely know if people who "talk a talk" are also walking the same. We can however maintain whatever honesty is possible (and prudent). Obviously on non-serious subject matter it's no-holds-barred.

It's hard for me to think of a non-anonymous post as a "flamer"--or if I do, it's harder to misunderstand and much easier to ignore :)!


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 11:55 AM

Lots of words words have some dodgy meanings - moon, and john, and kevin gets used in a pretty sneery way at times.

When a word takes on a new meaning, and that becomes a dominant meaning, you might have to back out of using it in the historical sense. That may have happened for mudpeople I suppose, but it hasn't reached my part of the world yet.

And if they use it to include Jews as well, I imagine they'd probably use it to include ageing hippies too.

Anyway, I'll avoid using it, but if anyone wants to use it about me, I won't be offended.

What do we do if the bastards start using "mudcat" in the same way? (Which isn't in the least improbable, since you can use cat to mean person in some contexts.)

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: sophocleese
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 12:10 PM

Of course we could just all call ourselves Mudbloods or Muggles like they do in the Harry Potter books. A mudblood is a magician with muggle ancestry and a muggle is a non-magical person, but would that get us all muddled up?

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: bbelle
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 12:14 PM

kevin ... don't want to burst your bubble, but they still just call us "aging hippies."

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: GUEST,ShadowMonk
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 03:03 PM

I just noticed this thread this morning, and I'm still trying to figure out if my dad was trying to tell me something with his "If I was a psych major..." comment.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 03:34 PM

But hippies a term of abuse too...

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: bbelle
Date: 23 Sep 00 - 04:09 PM

kevin ... but only if you're referring to mine ...

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: Susan from California
Date: 24 Sep 00 - 01:48 AM


Sophocleese--Don't you think Rowling used "mudblood" purposefully? I think the first four books are a build up to what is to come--an epic metaphor for the racial problems in the world. The whole bit with Hagrid's "mixed" ancestry, the bigotry of those who are on Voldermort's side. An allegorical tale of good v evil. What a way to get kids to see the idiocy of racism, hide it in a fun story! Can't wait for # 5!

BTW, Susan is my given name, and I do live in California :-)

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 24 Sep 00 - 06:59 AM

I don't think many people in the British Isles have ever heard about "mud" as having some kind of racist meaning. No doubt if it really catches on in the States it'll come over here too.

Meanwhile, we've still got the hippopotamus song: "Mud, mud.glorious mud..." And a search of the DT using "mud" throws up 73 entries, and I don't think any of them have a racial significance, so I don't think this is a word we should abandon to some racist fringe in one corner of the planet.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: bbelle
Date: 24 Sep 00 - 10:43 AM


Firstly, the word "mud" is not in question.

Secondly, the term "mudpeople" is used by white supremists to describe any person not of aryan blood.

Thirdly, we are not talking about a "fringe" group, we are talking about the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood, etc. These are not fringe groups, they are in-your-face groups and are comprised of thousands, if not a couple million, people. And they extend beyond the boundaries of my little corner of the planet. Each one of these groups is using religion as the basis for their hatred.

So, why not just accept the fact that it does exist and in large number, instead of trying to trivialize it by using phrases like "No doubt if it really catches on in the States" and "some racist fringe in one corner of the planet."

Because it hasn't touched you, personally, does not mean it doesn't exist.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 24 Sep 00 - 11:09 AM

If it sounds like I'm treating them as they were harmless, that's not what I mean. I'm just worried about taking people like that at their own inflated valuation; and bending to their distortion of the language seems to be going in that direction.

If a word is being used as an insult, in principle there's a rationale for other people to adopt it to described themselves. When Danny Cohn-Bendit in 1968 was being attacked as being "a German Jew", there were thousands of students on the streets chanting "We are all German Jews," as a way of demonstrating solidarity.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)
Date: 24 Sep 00 - 03:55 PM

I've been reading here for maybe 2 years and posting for probably a year and a half. I started out as "stupidbodhranplayerwhodoesn'tknowanybetter" and upon reading a number of threads vaguely similar to this one, started putting my name in front of it. My handle has mutated a little here and there, partly for brevity, and partly when I learned how to put a fada over the "a" in bodhrán. Nonetheless, if you went back, you could figure out every single post I've put in. There is an expression that says something to the effect that we are only the people we are when we're by ourselves. Granted I don't want everybody on the internet to show up at my door, but I have a singular personality here that can be held accountable. You can come back and tell me "Rich, I think that statement you posted on such-and-such thread was in bad taste. More importantly, if I continue to post as a singular person, I may one day develop a little credibility based on my past input here. For example, having read Spaw's posts for a while now, when he posted a comment about a hypothetical song title containing a racial slur, nobody could possibly consider, a racist statement, but demonstrating an example. It was clear that he was saying , to paraphrase, how can you understand that this racial slur is offensive, but find this one acceptable? It was clear because we know him. Same goes for a lot of people here. If Aine or Kat or Big Mick posts something here you can be pretty sure it's not intended to be harmful. If Rick Fielding says try playing this way, it's probably a good idea that you do. I'm not gonna catalog my take on everybody here, but you get the idea.


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: katlaughing
Date: 24 Sep 00 - 06:05 PM

A far as I am concerned, Rich, you've already got tons of crediblity here. I've been meaning to ask you about the change to Gaelic/Gaelige in your name. Does it say the same thing as it did in English or have you allowed yourself a claim to the intelligence you display and to "knowing better," now?**BG**

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)
Date: 25 Sep 00 - 12:25 AM

Kat ,
It's "bodhran player without sense." Same basic sentiment, just shorter. I was working the Gaelic League table at a festival (how's that for the blind leading the blind? I'm just learning myself), and I taught people "Is fear/bean gan ciall thú. Which means You're a man/woman without sense. This allowed people to insult one another in Irish and feel witty, without repeating that extremely over used "pog mó thóin"

And thanks on the credibility part. That's tall praise coming from you.

Slán agat,

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: CamiSu
Date: 25 Sep 00 - 09:53 AM

I just gotta stop coming into these interesting ones late!

I've started making notes of ideas to reply to, but forgot to write down names. I generally agree that online talk has much the same quality as letters and tapes used to have, but the huge difference is public access. Pen pals could be found in magazines and so on, but it wasn't so easy for someone to dishonestly move in on a trusting person and at best break their trust, and at worst, MUCH worse. So here, with most of us posting our feelings honestly, it is truly very much like those tapes that make the circuit, and every adds their two cents. It also means that we tend to proofread each others' posts and don't even have to be told Jenny left out a word. We hear what she meant! *smile*

As for the term 'mudders' I think that may already belong to the users of the MUDDs (Multi-User-Dimensions-somethinglikethat, have to ask Wavestar). I do wish we could stop the haters from co-opting these perfectly decent words and making them hateful, (though most of the words that are hateful did start out that way, and those I'm perfectly happy to see disappear altogether)---the cat is helping me type this so if it is scrambled you'll know why...he does things I don't even know how to do with keystrokes!!

And there IS a group called the Mother Folkers ("the most carefully pronounced name in the business"). They're a group of women folkies in Colorado who get together once a year for a concert, and have put out a couple of albums. Don't know if they're still doing this but their concerts were ALWAYS worth going to. Bonnie Carol, Bonnie Phipps, Molly O'Brian, Mary Stribling, I can't recall more at the moment.

And as far as posting in various disguises, I wouldn't know. This is my first and only forum, and I am under my own name and opinions. I only hope the NH Mudcatters will talk to me when I finally meet them in November!

Cami Su

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: GUEST,Phantom Lurker
Date: 25 Sep 00 - 10:23 AM


CarolC - Rape is an extremely serious matter. A real rape victim would be quite annoyed at an attempt to cheapen the word "rape" with the suggestion that the use of pseudonyms in a chatroom is anything like rape. Earnestness is no excuse for thoughtlessness.

Sean Ruprecht-Belt's response strikes me as the best to way to deal with a thread you find annoying, boring, unfruitful. Leave it.

Beanster, thanks for the thoughtful reply. In fact, I do NOT lie when I post, whether I post with my true name on some forums or post under a pseudonym on Mudcat. I will occasionally exaggerate my position, but I have not done so in this thread. Now, since I do NOT lie, are you comfortable with my posting under multiple pseudonyms?

McGrath of Harlow, nice analogy, but I don't understand the reference to living outside the law. Thanks for taking the discussion seriously.


The extended discussion of the proper name of participants in the Mudcat forum indicates terminal thread drift. This thread has reached the end of its useful life for me. As long as the name-calling, me-tooing, and off-topic posts are in the minority I am happy to follow it. Once they predominate, why bother.


I find thread drift EXTREMELY ANNOYING, and I think it is RUDE. It is rude and annoying to start it. It is rude and annoying to continue and encourage it.


I sincerely appreciate the efforts of everyone who contributed. It has been (for me) a fascinating thread.

I won't be back to this thread. Discuss amongst yourselves. And thanks for the fish.


I realize that you think differently from me and get curious. You realize that I think differently from you and get mad.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: mousethief
Date: 25 Sep 00 - 11:33 AM

Hey Phantom, talk about thread drift. If you want to talk about how superior you are to us, that's a different thread.


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: Jeri
Date: 25 Sep 00 - 12:12 PM

Well, I quit playing when you started making up rules as you went, apparently believing nobody would notice.

The superior attitude can be quite amusing at times. It's like watching someone who believes they're invisible, when the ignorant masses see them plain as day. I wouldn't say I'm even slightly bothered that you think differently than me. The main reason for this is I think you're trying a bit too hard.

But you're not even reading this, so never mind...

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 25 Sep 00 - 01:33 PM

The trouble is of course that any other person posting whom you don't personally know might be our friend in drag.

"Look at me, I'm invisible". Pretending to be a tightrope walker, along a chalk line marked out on the grouind.


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: mousethief
Date: 25 Sep 00 - 01:41 PM

No, that couldn't happen, McGrath, because he assured us of his sincerity.


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: Jeri
Date: 25 Sep 00 - 03:05 PM

McGrath, if he tries very hard to be invisible, he will be, and I don't really mind. I try to respond to the content of messages and don't worry about whether I may be responding to him. I'll take part in things I think are fun or interesting, but threads like "Why Are Mudcatters So ___" are obvious trolls, whether it's him or someone else.

I'm long past getting mad at any of this stuff. I think I can remember myself and other folks seeing him as some sort of threat a while back. Now, to me, he's more sad than anything else.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: bbelle
Date: 25 Sep 00 - 04:42 PM

I think the term "To be pitied." would go along with "sad."

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: bflat
Date: 25 Sep 00 - 07:32 PM

Although not the current clinical terminology, Multiple Personality Disorder is what it is. Pretty simple!


duplicate posting deleted
- elf/joeclone -

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: McGrath of Harlow
Date: 25 Sep 00 - 07:56 PM

I think the term "To be pitied." would go along with "sad."

The current UK usage of "sad" does tend to mean that but with an element of contempt in it. Personally I think that's a pity - a bit sad, in its older meaning. I hope it doesn't spread across the Atlantic, if it hasn't already.

But I agree.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: CarolC
Date: 25 Sep 00 - 10:00 PM

Phantom Lurker,

Unless you have some personal experience of rape, perhaps you should let rape victims speak for themselves.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler
Date: 27 Sep 00 - 08:36 AM

This may be in bad taste? It has beencirculating on the 'net and amused me (sicko that I am)

The NYCFTTS presents:

The Mental Health Hotline: "Hello, and welcome to the Mental Health Hotline.... *If you are obsessive-compulisve, press 1 repeatedly. *If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you. *If you have multiple personalities, press 3, 4, 5, and 6. *If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line so we can trace your call. *If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transferred to the mother ship. *If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a small voice will tell you what number to press. *If you are manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press because no one will answer *If you are dyslexic, press 96969696969. *If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the hash key until a representative comes onto the line. *If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, phone number, social security number, date of birth, and mother's maiden name. *If you have bi-polar disorder, please leave a message after the beep. Or before the beep. Or after the beep. Please wait for the beep. *If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. *If you have low-self esteem, please hang up. All of our operators are too busy to talk to you right now. Thank you for calling the Mental Health Hotline."

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: Bagpuss
Date: 27 Sep 00 - 10:12 AM


For all you know, PL (or myself - as I expressed similar uneasiness about the analogy) may have been raped in the past and does not wish to share that information with the rest of the community here.

Besides, when we were just talking about the term "mudpeople" - nobody said "leave it to the ethnic minorities speak for themselves".

I hate the attitude that if you disagree with a person on one thing, or distrust them for some reason, then you automatically attack everything they say - even when it makes good sense. I'm sick of everyone having to be good or bad, black or white. Most of us have good and bad qualities, and I just wish we could react to what people say, rather than who we think they are.


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: sophocleese
Date: 27 Sep 00 - 11:06 AM

Thank You Roger the Skiffler, I like it.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: Bagpuss
Date: 27 Sep 00 - 11:12 AM

Roger - that was very funny and I didn't think it was in bad taste at all. And given that I work in mental health, and suffer from mental health problems - I am probably the one to ask!! :-)


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: hesperis
Date: 27 Sep 00 - 05:09 PM

Do you really think that people can make up identities that aren't aspects of themselves? Humans are all capable of the whole range of human expression, we just get comfortable expressing certain parts of that. And certain other parts are really hard on other people, so we adjust our behaviour to match. (If we need other people in our lives, that is.) It's called "socialization", and usually happens during childhood.

I think that "rape" is a really harsh word to use here, and that "harrassment" would be more appropriate. Harrassment can reduce your trust in people without being the ultimate physical invasion.

I don't have Multiple Personality Disorder, but I do have Magical Personality Disorder..........

I have far too much ritual jewelry, far too many ritual items, know too many sets of divination to be able to keep them all straight, and have more magical names than the Great Goddess herself...

Who is also known as Raven, Brassfire, Starmuse5, ... and many more.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: CarolC
Date: 27 Sep 00 - 07:59 PM


For all you know, I may have been raped in the past.

I have heard, through a personal message, from one person who has been both physically and emotionally raped. This person has told me that s/he thinks my words were appropriate.

Best wishes,


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: katlaughing
Date: 27 Sep 00 - 09:40 PM

CarolC, as another survivor of rape, I have to say I understood your likening PL's actions to rape. Rape is about so much more than anything physical. We have had a great loss of trust on the Mudcat over the past year. We've come to some sort of even keel, I think, but there will always be a certain level of wariness because of past actions of flamers. What PL admits doing just contributes to that feeling of violation of trust and that is what rape is about.


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: GUEST,marty D
Date: 27 Sep 00 - 11:37 PM

Katlaughing you are a wise woman.

marty D

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: Jeri
Date: 28 Sep 00 - 09:15 AM

Regarding who the last one was, I don't know. I speculate, but I don't spend much time trying to figure it out. Regarding "the flamer" there always seems to be one, whenever they start out. Perhaps they end up with a fan club of flamer-wannabes who show up to get their attention. And perhaps - this is scary, but I think it happens - other people dislike and are provoked/angered/ frightened by anon flamers so much that they make a decision to become one.

I would still say to read and choose to respond to each post for its own words, whether it's by someone you think is a flamer or not. I don't have to be someone's friend to reply politely, and I don't have to trust them. My response shows what sort of a person I am. In other words, I don't try to be polite because I expect others to be, I try to be polite because I expect ME to be.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: katlaughing
Date: 28 Sep 00 - 03:27 PM

Well said, Jeri, that is exactly the way you come across, too and what makes your postings always so readable and enjoyable.

Thanks, Marty D, I am not too sure about that on some days, but I try.:-)


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
Date: 01 Oct 00 - 11:56 AM

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: GUEST,abby
Date: 27 Oct 04 - 09:06 AM

hey i am doing a project of the topic of multiple personality disorders and im a grade 12 student in ontario canada and i was wondering if you or anyone in here would be willing to provide me with any information you have or feel about the topic. my email adress is anything you can tell me could help out
thanks :o)

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: GUEST,Dr. Quelch
Date: 27 Oct 04 - 09:24 AM

    I am unable to assist with information on MPD but I feel a
    course in punctuation with your English professor may help
    you with your written project.

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: Janie
Date: 27 Oct 04 - 10:12 AM

Hi Snappy,

You have stumbled onto a folk music site, not a mental health site, in spite of the name of this thread, which I suspect came up in your search engine. I have e-mailed you with a little information on where to look for information that might be appropriate and accurate for a research paper on the topic of MPD. By the way, the name of this disorder was changed a couple of years ago, and it is now called Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Good luck with your project.


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: Amos
Date: 27 Oct 04 - 10:18 AM

Here is another set of references for you.


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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: GUEST,Art Thieme
Date: 27 Oct 04 - 11:38 AM

GUEST abby: Be sure to include in your paper this joking line:

Multiple Personality Disorder is better than dining or being alone !

It just might get a big laugh from your teacher.

Your friend,

Art Thieme

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: JennyO
Date: 13 Apr 07 - 02:58 AM

Thanks to the spam which no doubt will soon be deleted, I have been reminded to bump this up the top, where it will hopefully reside next to the "How many of me?" thread :-)

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Subject: RE: Multiple Personality Disorder
From: leeneia
Date: 25 Apr 07 - 11:47 AM

"Earnestness is no excuse for thoughtlessness."

Phantom Lurker, that is one of the wisest things I have heard in a long time.
    Thread closed temporarily because it's been a target for a heavy barrage of Spam. If you have something to add to the discussion, contact me and I'll reopen it.
    -Joe Offer-

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